Waverley Camera Club offers members a wide range of educational and training opportunities,
throughout the year. There are opportunities for all members, from beginners through to advanced.
The committee is always open to members suggestions for ideas and presenters.
- Camera Fundamentals – an entry level course for those with a new camera or wanting to get started in photography. The aim is to help you understand the settings you need to get off the automatic button, and to demystify the jargon. The course is held only once during the year and runs for 5 X 2 hour weekly sessions, with an optional practical outing. Numbers are limited to 6 participants.
- Editing Fundamentals – for all new photographers wanting to learn about the basics of post-production. This is a free course for members of the club, and runs for 5 weeks, coinciding with the completion of the Camera Fundamentals course. The course covers a range of post production tools (such as cropping, resizing, improving exposure, contrast) that will assist beginners with the preparation of images that may be suitable for the club’s competition. The course is based in PhotoShop, but one session will focus on an introduction to Lightroom.
For more information contact education@waverlycameraclub.org
Image Mentoring, on the fourth Tuesday of the month, is an opportunity to have images discussed
and learn principles of photography and editing techniques through application. By the Sunday
prior to the session, participants submit (by email) up to three images, that they would like to
discuss. Led by two very experienced members, the group evaluate the images and work through
possible editing techniques using Lightroom and Photoshop.
For more information contact mentoring@waverleycameraclub.org