Workshop on Pep Ventosa Style Photography

Last weekend the two part “Pep Ventosa Style Photography” workshop, run by club member Jenny Adams, showed us how to create painterly style images reminiscent of Spanish photographer Pep Ventosa.

Jenny Adams - Rotunda and Roses

During the first session, at Springvale Botanic Cemetery, we learned key points of identifying suitable subjects and taking up to 30 images from different but equidistant angles. Participants enjoyed taking images of trees, rotundas, memorials and other structures.

Geoff Shaw - R1006566 Geoff Shaw - R1006647 Geoff Shaw - R1006593 Geoff Shaw - R1006663

The second session was on zoom; Jenny walked us through techniques to blend the groups of images in Photoshop to create a painterly style images. We had time for some questions and discussion. It was inspiring to learn technique that allows the transformation of a series of simple images to one quite lovely and artistic one.

Jenny Adams - A Place to rerflect Stephen Jude - Greg meets Pep Jenny Adams - Guarding the Gravestones Jill Shaw - Twist camera6

A link to the presentation notes can be found under Workshops and presentations on our resources site.

Images from the outing and the results from various members are in our workshop gallery.

Macro and Close-Up Workshop outcomes

Recently Geoff Shaw (one of our members) presented a workshop and ran a hands on session about macro and close-up photography.

Fred Bullock - Typewriter Ball Kirsten Morton - Back and Front Lit Dragonfly Jill Shaw - J Shaw oil 1 Kirsten Morton - Focus Stacking Foliage

Geoff set up multiple workstations with various lighting scenarios. It was a fabulous opportunity to get help with camera and flash settings including focus stacking, to discuss the pros and cons of gear. Geoff’s enthusiasm for the genre of macro photography is contagious and we am sure that many of us will be inspired to further experiment. There was lots of discussion between members with more experienced members helping others.

Jenny Hartman - BTS 1 Jenny Hartman - BTS 2

More photos from our members can be found in our Macro skills session gallery.

Macro Photography workshop – 21st January 2025

As we embark upon 2025, there is a diverse range of interesting and exciting workshops ahead, some facilitated by our own members and some by external presenters, from Victoria, interstate and overseas.

Thank you to those who have submitted ideas and those who have volunteered to share their skills and ideas with others.

The first workshop is on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 7.30 pm in the main hall. The topic is Macro Photography and the presenter is Geoff Shaw.

Macro Photography: Principles and Techniques

  • Uses for macro/close-up photography
  • Camera settings
  • Equipment
  • Lighting
  • Post-processing (including focus stacking)
  • Traps for beginners/things to be aware of
  • Q and A

Please bring your camera in order to check various settings.

Looking forward to the year ahead and hope to see lots of you at this first workshop.

Continuous Lighting for Portraiture with Andrea Esposito

Jill Shaw - J Shaw 8

Last month seventeen members participated in a hands-on portraiture workshop at Southbank, learning to use the club’s Nanlites. Andreas Esposito, from Astir Images, showed us how to use the lights to create various effects with the city lights as a backdrop. Members worked together practiced posing the models and using various lighting colours, positions and intensities to create a range of great images.

Geoff Shaw - 20240416 WCC workshop GSR52436 Daryl Lynch - Sima 4328 Colleen Singleton - City 7 Xiaobo Yu - MA07

More images from our members can be viewed in our smugmug gallery.

Intentional Camera Movement – 19th March 2024

Unfortunately Roy Killen who was going to give an online workshop on Nature photography for us tomorrow night is not well.

I will now be giving a workshop planned for June in his place. It will be on Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) and will be held in the main hall of the Mount Waverley Community Centre, 7.30 start. And a reminder this is our set subject for the August competition

Please bring your camera, a zoom lens with a good range, something colourful to photography in an abstract sort of way and be prepared to
play! Tripods optional.

Gear Night – 20th February 2024

Our next workshop night, on Tuesday 20th February 2024, has been designated a “Gear Night”.

For those of you unfamiliar with this concept (the last one was possibly before COVID), this night is where we focus on improving our familiarity with our camera equipment. But that’s not all, we also use this as an opportunity to swap/buy/sell gear amongst members – I’ll come back to this shortly.

Gear Discussion Groups

For the main part of the evening we will divide up into groups (tables) according to the make/vendor of our gear. Each table will have a designated member who owns the same brand of camera as the others on the table and will help lead the discussion.

To kick things off, there will be some prepared tasks that we will ask everyone to do – I hope this will inject a bit of fun into the exercise. More importantly, I hope this will get the conversation started at each table, and after those 6 tasks, each table can take the conversation forward according to the needs/wishes of the group.

Swap/Buy/Sell Gear

At some point in the evening, we’ll move over to the swap/sell/buy activity. If the gear involved is unique to a brand (e.g. Olympus), such as a lens, then this part of the evening may well start off at the ‘brand’ table. We’ll also have a couple of tables set up for selling ‘generic’ gear, such as tripods etc.

Advertising Gear For Sale

As preparation for the swap/buy/sell segment, members are invited (or even encouraged) to post items for sale on the club members Facebook group, or via the members email group (especially if there are more expensive items, such as lenses, camera bodies, etc.). The FB group is the preferred mechanism for advertising gear as each email to all members needs to be vetted and ‘sent’ which creates work for our team, so please only use email if you are not on FB. You may wish to negotiate a deal offline and simply use the night as an opportunity to exchange the gear.

To be crystal clear, any goods/monies exchanged through this event is a matter between the members concerned only – the club will not be involved in any way, and does not offer any warranties around goods, equipment condition, and/or advice on price or good value. Any and all issues relating to goods, payments etc., is a matter for the members involved only, and caveat emptor is advised. The club is only providing the opportunity for members to get together to ‘swap’.

This is usually a fun evening, involving a high level of interaction between members with ‘like’ equipment. There is a good chance everyone will take away something, if only the realisation that you really need to spend more time getting to know your gear!

I hope you are looking forward to it. I know I am. See you there at the Mount Waverley Community Centre, starting at the usual time of 7:30pm.

A Photographers Sketchbook Part 2 with Gillian Turner

Our next workshop will be with Dr Gillian Turner. This is an in person workshop, please bring your cameras!

When: Tuesday 21st November 2023, 7.30 pm
Where: Mt Waverley Community Centre, Craft room

Here is some information from Gillian Turner to assist with your thinking:

Focus: Finding Patterns and Textures

My presentation will engage with the following:

  • Use of terminology shared across all visual arts techniques
  • Composition – Meaning and use in making images
  • Brainstorming – how to gather ideas for set subjects
  • Using a notebook/journal as a tool in photography
  • Setting personal challenges for photography
  • Looking and seeing in new ways – making your mark
  • Different ways of making images

An important aspect of the evening will be time for general chats about what has been created in each section, a short brainstorming activity and follow up discussion

It will be helpful if members bring the following items:

  • A small notebook – plain paper if possible
  • A few images they feel respond to the topic patterns and/or textures – they will need to cut or mark these so bring only those you are happy to ‘destroy’! I will also bring a few so if people forget or don’t have any, that’s OK.
  • Camera and a strong torch or mobile with torch function
  • A sense of adventure!!

I will bring a box of interesting bits and pieces for people to play with.