Join us on Saturday 2 March 2019 at the Mornington Botanical Rose Gardens followed by a sunset shoot at Dragon’s Head, Rye.
Register with outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5pm Thursday 28 February 2019
Join us on Saturday 2 March 2019 at the Mornington Botanical Rose Gardens followed by a sunset shoot at Dragon’s Head, Rye.
Register with outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5pm Thursday 28 February 2019
On Saturday 2nd February, members and friends participated in a visit to the Blue Lotus Water Gardens in Yarra Junction. Despite the warm 38°C day, 23 people arrived at the gardens and enjoyed strolling around the ponds and enclosed pools. Most participants were so occupied photographing in the vast grounds that they didn’t even stop for a coffee break!
We enjoyed chatting whilst enjoying our picnic lunch under the shaded eating area. The day also provided a fantastic opportunity to meet and chat with some of our new members.
From there some departed for home, and a smaller intrepid group headed off to the Redwood Forest in East Warburton. The light was very challenging but it was enjoyable all the same. Then a tired group of people straggled home to check their handy work.
Photos from this outing can be found in the outing gallery.
Our first outing for the year 2019 will be held on Saturday 2nd February 2019 from 10:00am at the Blue Lotus Water Garden. The address is 2628 Warburton Hwy, Yarra Junction, Victoria 3797.
The gardens provide many opportunities for photographers, including waterways lakes, ponds, lagoons, and waterfall. Waterways contain hundreds of varieties of flowering lotus, waterlily & bog plants and colourful surrounding garden beds. Trees provide plenty of shade.
Proposed procedure to date:
Entry Fees
Please let Helen know if you are interested in carpooling. Carpooling is now quite popular, so if interested or you are happy to offer your car, please let Helen know when you register.
Please register with Helen at outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5pm Wednesday 30 January 2019.
Throughout 2018 the club went on a number of fantastic outings, a huge thanks goes to Ross and Helen for organising them.
For each outing we create a gallery and encourage members to upload their images, from these a “mystery judge” will select one image.
The winners of the outing awards for 2018 were:
Fred Seeber – Path to the Castle
Jason Kim – autumn lake and tree
Despite being a long weekend, 14 participants attended our outing to the Whittlesea Show on the morning of 4th November, 2018.
The weather was perfect and following a cup of coffee, we plunged into the crowds to watch a range of events and enjoy the animal stands and exhibitions of crafts and trades. We capped off the day with lunch together in the sun at the main oval before driving back home through the beautiful countryside. Thanks to all for a great day!
More photos from participating members can be found in the outing gallery.
If you enjoy country shows, you may be interested in the Draught Horse & YesterYear Festival at Mont De Lancey in Wandin North.
Our next outing is at the Whittlesea Show on the morning of Sunday 4 November 2018.
This Outing will provide a range of photographic opportunities as there are live animal judging events, live performances, displays and entertainment. Dependent on your preferred photography interests, a range of lenses and equipment should be considered.
The weather will be an important factor to keep in mind as it is an outdoor event and shelter may be difficult to find at short notice. A weather forecast will be included in the final mailout. Please come prepared for rain, just in case.
We will begin at 9am at the Whittlesea Showgrounds and conclude with lunch
Final details will be sent to you once we establish final numbers.
Please let Helen know if you are interested in carpooling. Carpooling is now quite popular, so if you would like a lift or you are happy to offer your car, please let Helen know when you register.
Register with Helen at outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5pm on Friday 2 November 2018.
Sunday 14th October was a beautiful day, and perfect for a club outing. The outing to Motorclassica at the Exhibition Buildings was well attended on the day, with 12 members mustering their creative streaks to make the most of the day.
We are grateful to the Motorclassica administration for providing us with Media passes which enabled us to enter early and have the opportunity to take photographs without crowds, which we were generously provided with later in the day.
There were a large number of cars on display, both indoors and outdoors.
Members’ photos may now be found in the Motorclassica outing gallery.
Our October Outing is a visit to the Motorclassica at the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton on Sunday 14 October 2018, from 9am to approximately 1pm.
This Outing will provide opportunities for photographing cars both indoors and outdoors, architecture, crowd shots and other points of interest.
We will start photographing early before the crowds arrive then enjoy a coffee together mid-morning before a lunch together outside (weather permitting). Food stands will be available outside or if you prefer, bring along your own packed lunch.
Parking should be possible at this time. Carpooling is now quite popular, so if interested or you are happy to offer your car, please let Helen know when you register.
Please register with Helen at outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5pm Friday 12 October 2018, including if you will be lunching with us.
A punctual group of members and friends amassed at Melbourne Zoo entry gate on Sunday 9th for our September Monthly Outing. It was a full day of conviviality, and of course some photography! Despite a somewhat overcast beginning and end the weather remained fine during the day.
It was great to see a range of newer and older members forming mixed groups. Most participants began the day with the primate loop followed by the tigers and elephant loop before morning tea.
Outings provide opportunities for newer and long term members to meet and talk. Across the day the groups remained mixed and provided opportunities for all to exchange of ideas and settings. Thanks to members who shared their expertise and special thanks go to Dave Sumner, our club wildlife photographer, who spent much of the day sharing his expertise amongst the newer members and visitors.
Following an outdoor lunch we viewed the 50 Greatest Wildlife Photography outdoor exhibition curated by National Geographic then continued photographing until around 4:30pm. Then a tired group of people straggled home to check their handy work.
Thanks to Ross Eddington for organising the outing!
More photos from participating members can be found in the gallery.
Our September outing will be to the Melbourne Zoo on Sunday 9th September 2018. The outing will take up the morning and include lunch. You can stay on after lunch if you want to spend more time there.
Register with Helen and Ross at outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5PM on Friday 7th September 2018. More details will be sent to you once we have final numbers.
Also Melbourne Zoo will be the first venue in the world to unveil a brand new outdoor exhibition
curated by National Geographic. There will be 50 Greatest Wildlife Photographs on display.