Bastille Day French Festival

Once again our intrepid WCC photographers braved the unpredictable Melbourne weather to attend an outing. This month we attended the Bastille Day French Festival in the Atrium of Federation Square in the city on Saturday 13th July 2019.

Despite predictions of dire weather conditions, good fortune was on our side. Federation Square possessed the only patch of blue sky in Melbourne, during the morning and early afternoon.

We met up in a café in the Atrium which allowed us to plan independent activities and browse the many and varied French flavoured market stalls. Over the morning we regrouped for particular events like the ‘l’escrime’ (fencing) demonstrations and the French Can Can! (ooooh la la!)

Helen Warnod - L'escrime

Phill Harris - CanCan - CanDo

We enjoyed our lunch purchased the food stalls of our choice and sat together in Deakin Edge theatre, chatting and listening to French live band ‘Vive la Différence’.

View our photographs of this exciting event in our outings gallery.

Hope to see you at our next outing in August!

Wintry walk in St Kilda

As our intrepid WCC photographers arrived for our monthly outing, St Kilda decided to produce a deluge! Thankfully our meetup point was at a café! We huddled up under the awning, so we made the most of it and sat sipping hot coffees and chatting. On cue, the clouds cleared for our planned departure time of 3:00pm!

Tim Keane - Luna rainbow   Ross Major - Rainbow

We numbered twelve and were pleased to welcome along newer members Glen and Amanda on the day.

The light was marvelous and fluffy clouds produced photo-worthy scenes and opportunities for landscape and street photography. We strolled along the waterside photographing various points of interest from Luna Park to the St. Kilda Marina Seaside Light then along the bay trail past Catani Bridge towards St. Kilda pier.

Phill Harris - Helen   Helen Warnod - Texting   Ross Major - Ride by

We installed ourselves on the St. Kilda Pier near the marina in time to capture the sunset at 5:07pm and a few city light on the bay before wandering back to our cars. A great day!

Helen Warnod - Boat house   Tim Keane - St Kilda Blur   Phill Harris - St Kilda Sunset

More photos from participating members can be found in the outing gallery.

St Kilda outing – June 2019

This month’s outing for will be held on the afternoon of Sunday 16th June 2019 in St Kilda.

This outing will be a walk that includes a number of sites in the local area. As St Kilda market will be open on the day, and hopefully a sunset at the end of the day around 5pm, there will be many and varied opportunities for our intrepid WCC photographers to demonstrate their skills!

This outing gives you opportunities to extend your outing experience by visiting the market beforehand, staying for the sunset shoot or planning your own leisurely meals at either end of the outing.

There will be no cost for this outing unless you choose to travel by public transport, dine, purchase goods at the market or opt for paid parking.

Please let Helen know if you are interested in carpooling. Carpooling is now quite popular, so if interested or you are happy to offer your car, please let Helen know when you register. Please register at by 5pm Friday 14th June 2019. Further details provided once you have registered.

Hope to see you there!

Autumnal colours did not disappoint

14 participants attended the outing to the Alfred Nicholas Gardens on the morning of 19th May. It was lovely to welcome a new member and guests who joined us on the day!

Trace O'Rourke - Autumn Colour   Jen Fawkes - The Conversation   Trace O'Rourke - Maple Leaf

The autumnal colours did not disappoint and the weather was perfect for rambling through the vast hillside gardens. Whist agreeable, the perfect weather brought with it a challenging light environment in the shaded forest areas which kept us all on our toes!

After a hour or so, we wended out way back up the hill before wending our way to Olinda to enjoy lunch together in the Olinda Café. Thanks to all for such a great day!

Jack Moore - 3A   Jen Fawkes - Autumn Colours   Dave Sumner - Out of My Comfort Zone

More photos from participating members can be found in the outing gallery.

If you missed this outing I hope that you can join us on our next outing. Keep you eyes open for emails and on the website for details of the June outing.

Warrnambool weekend away – April 2019

Historically the WCC annual trip away has been over the March Labour Day weekend. This year having ANZAC day on a Thursday provided an opportunity for many of our members to have a four day break using one day of leave! The other good thing about changing the time of year – we didn’t have to get out of bed so early for the dawn shoot!

Vicki Moritz - Horse buckingOur programme was rather diverse and for me the highlight was the opportunity to take photos of the veterans at the local RSL after the 2 Anzac day marches. On the first morning of the trip we turned up at the RSL with a frame and backdrop and spent the next few hours rounding up clientele from the bar. They grew a little more relaxed as the day went on. Some great people, interesting faces, family portraits, we had the lot. And a special mention to Jan Mallett for holding the reflector!

Stephen Hilton - DedicationOur original schedule underwent a few changes! Due to the weather we didn’t go to far afield for the dawn shoots. Luckily we discovered the race horses training on the beach at the breakwater- just near a very nice café. We did venture to Port Fairy to shoot the lighthouse at dawn and the weather was kind to us- which is not to say a couple of our more enthusiastic members didn’t get their feet wet when some large waves came by! On the way back from Port Fairy we stopped off at the Tower Hill wildlife reserve – friendly emus and a lot of bird life.

Russell Lucas - Proudfoots Dull Dawn

Other places we went to capture some nice images- Proudfoots on the river at dawn, Stingray Bay, Point Ritchie and Thunder point (which lived up to its name with thundering waves and sea spray)! We also visited the Maritime museum, where the high point for me was the blacksmith generating lots of sparks. Stephen Edmonds - Giving the coast its nameSome of our members also visited Childers Cove and the Bay of Isles area, but the weather wasn’t kind enough to make these a dawn or dusk option.

The Shipwreck coast lived up to its name and we heard of an uninsured yacht breaking free from its moorings and ending up against a cliff face to the east of Warrnambool. Sadly I think the yacht is still there.

A range of photos from the trip are now online in a gallery. Do have a look. We are also welcoming suggestions for an inland venue for the trip away next year. Please send through any ideas you may have.

Alfred Nicholas Gardens outing – May 2019

Our Monthly Outing for May will be to the Alfred Nicholas Gardens, 1A Sherbrooke Road, Sherbrooke on Sunday 19th May 2019. Due to the Warrnambool Weekend Away and Mother’s Day, the Outing is a little later in the month than usual.

Entry to the Gardens is FREE.

This will be an opportunity to capture Autumn in the Dandenongs. We can meet at 10AM to miss the crowds and may encounter some mountain mist to include in your images.

Casual lunch together at Olinda, (2.4km from the Gardens), at your expense. Details to be confirmed.

Please register for the outing and confirm your seat for lunch, at by 5PM, Friday 17th May 2019.

Portraits and laneways in Melbourne

The weather for our outing last Sunday was ideal, overcast with no sun or harsh shadows.

After a train trip into the city by most, we met under the clock at Melbourne Central and viewed the Iconic Women Exhibition, including images of Olivier Newton-John, Audrey Hepburn and Nicole Kidman, to name just a few. It gave us some inspiration in portrait/creative photography as most images had some sort of graphic added to them.


We stuck together, heading towards Fed Square via laneways and alleys, including Tattersalls Lane, Croft Alley, Duckboard/ACDC and Hosier Lane. Luckily we were able to experience the opening ceremony of a new restaurant in Tattersalls Lane; the cameras were clicking!

Ross Eddington -Restaurant Opening

A coffee break on the way was also a must!

We were looking forward to sampling some French cuisine but the Fed in French Festival was cancelled due to poor weather conditions. Saturday had brought rain and hail on and off during the day. Never the less, there seemed to be a lot of images captured during our walk from Melbourne Central.



It was 12 noon so we enjoyed lunch together at the Rooftop Bar of Taxi; overlooking the Yarra and Southbank. The Outing was enjoyed by all.

Photos from this outing can be found in the outing gallery.

‘Iconic Women: The Exhibition’ & Fed in French festival outing – Sunday 31 March 2019

Bonjour mes amis!

Our Monthly Outing for April falls on Sunday 31th March! Ooh la la! Firstly we will be visiting Iconic Women: The Exhibition at Melbourne Central.

Then we walk to Federation square whilst practicing some street photography before photographing (and of course partaking in) the Fed in French food festival in Federation Square.


  • 10:00am – Meet in Melbourne Central. We will peruse the iconic portrait exhibition
  • 10:30am – We take in the city streets and lanes walking down to Federation Square
  • 11:30am – Fed in French food festival in Federation Square
    Enjoy French gastronomy (don’t forget to take photos!


Free – There are no costs for this outing apart from your own transport, food and drink consumption.

More info…

Helen is away in Japan during this outing, so once again Anthony Yap is coordinating (thanks again Anthony) and Ross Eddington is taking registrations (thanks again Ross!)

We propose to travel in by train but, please let Ross know your preferred mode of travel when you register.

Please register at by Friday 5:00pm 29 March 2019.