Historically the WCC annual trip away has been over the March Labour Day weekend. This year having ANZAC day on a Thursday provided an opportunity for many of our members to have a four day break using one day of leave! The other good thing about changing the time of year – we didn’t have to get out of bed so early for the dawn shoot!
Our programme was rather diverse and for me the highlight was the opportunity to take photos of the veterans at the local RSL after the 2 Anzac day marches. On the first morning of the trip we turned up at the RSL with a frame and backdrop and spent the next few hours rounding up clientele from the bar. They grew a little more relaxed as the day went on. Some great people, interesting faces, family portraits, we had the lot. And a special mention to Jan Mallett for holding the reflector!
Our original schedule underwent a few changes! Due to the weather we didn’t go to far afield for the dawn shoots. Luckily we discovered the race horses training on the beach at the breakwater- just near a very nice café. We did venture to Port Fairy to shoot the lighthouse at dawn and the weather was kind to us- which is not to say a couple of our more enthusiastic members didn’t get their feet wet when some large waves came by! On the way back from Port Fairy we stopped off at the Tower Hill wildlife reserve – friendly emus and a lot of bird life.

Other places we went to capture some nice images- Proudfoots on the river at dawn, Stingray Bay, Point Ritchie and Thunder point (which lived up to its name with thundering waves and sea spray)! We also visited the Maritime museum, where the high point for me was the blacksmith generating lots of sparks.
Some of our members also visited Childers Cove and the Bay of Isles area, but the weather wasn’t kind enough to make these a dawn or dusk option.
The Shipwreck coast lived up to its name and we heard of an uninsured yacht breaking free from its moorings and ending up against a cliff face to the east of Warrnambool. Sadly I think the yacht is still there.
A range of photos from the trip are now online in a gallery. Do have a look. We are also welcoming suggestions for an inland venue for the trip away next year. Please send through any ideas you may have.