Photopix – August 2020

A big THANK YOU to the members who have stepped up and offered to share a few images for the month of August!


Purpose: A photographic travel theme

Lyn Robinson – Lyn tells you where to go!

Lyn will take you on a trip to places that not only make for a great holiday, but sites that also provide fantastic photo opportunities.


Purpose: A photographic portrait theme

Keith Webster: Faces of the World

The slideshow ‘Faces of the World’ presents street captured portraits of people encountered during our travels in Africa, Norway/Iceland, Mexico, Caribbean, Asia, South America and Australia. The usual presentation is firstly a context image followed by a portrait cropped to top or side.


Purpose: Inspiration during COVID lockdown

4 people have submitted!

Where is your COVID photo?

There is still time to submit!

Send Helen one photo

Photo: Geoff Shaw

Photopix – July 2020

This Thursday 16th July we have two presentations by WCC members who will share what they get up to when the leave the house! The presenters will share their stories via Zoom, followed by questions from the audience.

We will also take a quick glimpse at the work that is produced by one of our workshop classes.


Purpose: Getting out in COVID-19 times

Geoff Shaw – Nature in my neighbourhood

In a travel restricted world. I’m exploring the abundant nature here in Melbourne. I’ll discuss the what, where and how, and hopefully inspire you to expand your nature photography close to home.


Purpose: Perfecting your photography

George Skarbek – Night sky photography

A PowerPoint presentation, with George’s comments and photographic examples, that focus on how to plan and proceed to produce good photos of the night sky. There will be many hints and tips on how to start and what you need and some tips on what to avoid.


Purpose: The value of WCC workshops

Jen Fawkes – Camera Fundamentals

The WCC annual ‘Camera Fundamentals’ workshops are specifically designed for members new to photography. It provides a safe environment to learn about the basics of camera craft and photography. The is a showcase of their recent work in the CBD.

Photopix – June 2020

Due to an opportunity to secure a workshop with Peter Eastway on Thursday 18th June 2020, we have brought Photopix forward two days to be held on Tuesday 16th June 2020.

This month we have three interesting presentations by WCC members:

  • Donna Clarke : Following my Grandad through his French battlefields journey
  • Ray Stabey: An Old Dog Learning New Tricks? Why Have I Started Photography School
  • Vicki Moritz: Landscape Photography – before, during and after

Thanks to Wolf and Jen for their presentations last month.

Photopix – Something new to replace outings

Due to our interrupted schedule for outings, we will offer an interesting distraction where we meet on Zoom for members to share their work.

Meeting structure:

  • 90 minutes maximum
  • 1-3 different presentations in one evening

Presentation format:

  • photographer will share their screen
  • 10-15 minute presentation
  • 5-10 minutes for questions

Our first evening will be on Thursday 21st May at 7:30pm with the following presentations:

  • Wolf Marx – Then and now of Paris
  • Jen Fawkes – Lonely Man and The Grey Nomads

If you are interested in presenting then please contact Helen at

Knick-knacks and precious old-world findings

On Wednesday 4th March we enjoyed a weekday outing to the Waverley Antique Bazaar in Glen Waverley. What a success! 21 attendees met up at 10am sharp in the carpark for a short briefing by volunteer leader Jen Fawkes before venturing inside the bazaar 21 attendees met up at 10am sharp for a short briefing in the carpark before venturing inside the bazaar.

Wowee! The building is immense and the bazaar staff kindly gave us open slather which gave us ample time to get completely lost in the rows and rows of stalls packed with an amazing diversity of knick-knacks and precious old-world findings. Goodies for composites galore!

We finished up with up with a lovely long coffee break and a chatter which capped off a great morning’s photography.

Many thanks to Jen Fawkes who took the Leadership cap and organised our visit!

More photos from participating members can be found in the outing gallery.

The unique Bunjil Place

Our February outing focused on architecture and it is amazing how many photographs you can capture of one building, especially if it is unique like Bunjil Place, Narre Warren.

Tim Keane - Bunjil 02 Fred Seeber Bunjil Balcony B Fred Seeber Bunjil library staircase below Marlene Chaitra - Exterior 2 Bunjil Place

The building has won many international architectural and design awards. The artistic structure represents an eagle with 2 huge wooden laminated legs standing in the foyer with an out stretched roof canopy, being the wings. It is a very large building. The name Bunjil has an Aboriginal connection. The overcast weather was ideal, with no harsh shadows; a humid but comfortable 21 degrees. The building enabled both external and internal photography. Fortunately for us there were few people using the building which allowed us free rein of our pursuit and of course a coffee which was also part of the plan.

ANGELA MCLEOD-BUNJIL 7 Fred Seeber Bunjil library staircase above Fred Seeber Bunjil Evening Film night Tim Keane - Bunjil 04

This was an ideal Outing with our Set Subject of Architecture due in March. If you missed the Outing, it is worth a visit.

More photos from participating members can be found in the outing gallery.

Waverley Antique Bazaar Outing – March 2020

This is an indoor shoot at an Antique Bazaar where we have permission to photograph items that are up for sale. The bazaar is in a HUGE warehouse full of items ranging from furniture, clothing, knickknacks, costumes, 60’s stuff and more. This is a great place to collect images for creative, composite work or for a still life composition.

Wednesday 4th March 2020
Meet at the front of the venue at 10am.
11A Aristoc Rd, Glen Waverley. Next door to the badminton centre.

CANCELLED: City Night Walk

I have been monitoring the Bureau of Meteorology website closely over the past few days. Tomorrow’s forecast foreshadows possibly severe thunderstorms with heavy rainfall, gusty winds and possible large hail later in the day.

Not specifying how later is later, the decision has been made to cancel the City Walk Outing tomorrow evening.

This is a great disappointment, so to make the best of it we plan to repeat this outing at a time later in the year when the sun sets earlier. Then we can perhaps enjoys capturing some light trails as well!

City Night Walk – February 2020

Given the challenges of unpredictable weather and fire hazards this year, our first Outing for 2020 is a Melbourne city night walk. We intend to capture Melbourne in a different light and from a different perspective.

This outing will afford opportunities for night and street photography. You will need your camera, lenses, tripod, charged batteries and a raincoat if wet!

We will meet at 7:30pm on Saturday 1st February, 2020 at Flinders Street station. We intend to catch the train from Mt. Waverley station. Others may drive and park in Federation square carpark.

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