Display at local government event

Monash City Council offered us the opportunity to setup a display for a Greater South Eastern Melbourne local government event held at the MWCC. We were proud to display a cross-section of our member’s images, mostly from our recent monthly competition.

Our colourful display attracted plenty of attention, and it’s always great to have the opportunity to represent our craft at the local government level. Thanks to Monash Council for the opportunity, and Vicki for her assistance with the setup and representation.

March competition night back in the Main Hall

We will be back in the Main Hall at the Mount Waverley Community Centre for our competition night on Tuesday 1st March 2022.

Monash Council have confirmed the following requirements:

  • Attendees must be fully vaccinated to enter a community facility & provide proof to your group representative
  • Attendees must check into the facility via the QR Code or register via the manual registration provided
  • Use hand sanitiser on entry & through your occupation of the facility
  • All persons over the age of 8 years must wear a mask when inside a community facility

If there is any change to these requirements notified to us before the meeting on Tuesday night, members will be notified ASAP.

We would also like to clarify that a 7:30pm start time means that you should arrive at 7:15pm and the meeting will start at 7:30pm sharp. This is especially important this week with the additional COVID procedures detailed above.

February Competition night now via Zoom

The committee has been continuously monitoring the progress of the ongoing situation in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in particular the potential risks to our members of returning to in person meetings. As such the committee has decided that we will not be returning to in person meetings until at least the beginning of March.

This means that the February Competition Night on Tuesday 1st February will be held via Zoom (link to be advised in the Watson on Sunday) and not at the Mount Waverley Community Centre as previously advertised.

In regard to prints, your EDI versions of entries for March will still need to be uploaded by midnight on 1st February, however the physical prints for March can be dropped off at the entrance to the MWCC between 6:30pm and 7:30pm the following night, Wednesday 2nd February. The February Print entries will also be available for pickup on the Wednesday at the Hall.

We hope you will understand the reasons for this late change, and apologise of any inconvenience it may cause.

Social event on Tuesday 11th January 2022

Our first activity of 2022 will be a social event at Brickmakers Park in Oakleigh on Tuesday 11th January 2022 from 6:30pm. Keeping in mind the current COVID Safe guidelines we will leave it up to individuals to determine if they will be using the BBQ, just bringing their own meal or even just stopping by.

This is also the due date for our February competition, so bring along your print entries and make sure you are a paid up member!

Our venue:
Brickmakers Park
23-29 Stamford Road, Oakleigh 3166

Valley Reserve Exhibition – NAIDOC Week 2021

Recently we held an exhibition of photographs from Valley Reserve in conjunction with the City of Monash’s NAIDOC week celebrations.

The displayed images can be viewed in our Valley Reserve Exhibition – NAIDOC Week 2021 gallery and the artist’s statements can be found in the catalogue (PDF 3.7MB).

Thanks to Vicki Moritz, John Noble, Trace O’Rourke, Michael Silverstein and Colleen Singleton for organising the exhibition.

NAIDOC Week Valley Reserve Exhibition

In conjunction with the City of Monash’s NAIDOC week celebrations our exhibition of photographs from Valley Reserve will be open this week in the Track Gallery.

The photographs are inspired by Aboriginal knowledge, culture and the unique flora and fauna found in Valley Reserve, Mount Waverley. We engaged with Aboriginal Elders and artists in the lead up to this year’s NAIDOC Week celebrations, to listen and learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culture and Country.

More information about the council’s other NAIDOC week activities can be found at NAIDOC Week 2021.

COVID & WCC Activities

As we are all in lockdown for the next 7 days, it probably goes without saying, but all in-person WCC activities are now suspended until further notice.

Where practical and possible, club meetings, workshops etc. will be conducted via Zoom. This will commence with the June Competition Night next Tuesday, June 1st, at 7:30PM, on Zoom.

At our committee meeting tonight, we decided that while we will proceed with the judging of prints submitted this month (for June 1 judging), we intend to put these prints out for display at the July meeting (assuming we can meet in-person by then). There will be no print competition in July and you will not submit prints, or EDIs of same, by June 1 (for the July comp).

We are hoping that this will be a short interruption to our in-person activities and print comp. We will keep you informed via email, the website, and Facebook as we work through this together.

Please read our weekly WCC Watson Emails where we will confirm proceedings for the next week and whether they are via Zoom or in-person (if restrictions permit), as well as the details for each specific session.

Please stay safe and stay well.

Returning to in-person meetings

We will now be holding a mix of in-person and online meetings. In general the competition night and workshop will be in-person at the Mount Waverley Community Centre, while our special interest groups will generally be online using Zoom but may use the craft room or Wadham House. Check the weekly Waverley Watson email or the calendar for details.

For in-person meetings we will be taking the following COVID safe precautions:

  • Do not attend if you feel unwell.
  • All attendees over 18 years of age must carry a mask indoors and wear these on entry and when not seated. BYO mask, although we will have some (cheap & nasty) ones if you forget.
  • We will provide sanitiser & ensure attendees use on entry & through attendance.
  • There will be several people on the front table, one of whom must record your attendance.
  • The seating layout will be done by Monash Council staff to ensure COVID distancing. Number of attendees must not exceed 70 in the main hall.
  • We have decided not to do Tea/ Coffee until further notice. If you like, you could bring your own drink in a bottle or Thermos.

New Year Event – Picnic-In-The-Park

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a terrific festive season and, notwithstanding the continuing annoyance that COVID brings, I hope you managed to spend some special moments with family and friends.

We are planning a Picnic-In-The-Park event on Tuesday January 12th, starting at 5:30PM at Jells Park. Note that this event will only proceed if current restrictions remain in place and the weather cooperates. It is important that you monitor your email for any updates on the Tuesday.

This will be a catered-for event (with the option to BYO food if you prefer). To make this as easy as possible in the event of a cancellation, we are planning to cater with pizzas, a simple green side-salad, and a choice of two desserts. This approach means we do not have to order anything until the day of the event.

If you have decided to join us, the most important thing is that you must register for the event for the purposes of contact tracing and catering.

And don’t forget, we want to get our print competition up and running again in 2021, so please bring along your prints to the picnic event to submit for the February competition night.

I hope to see you at Jells Park on the 12th.