VAPS Newbrief email addresses

There has been a request from the VAPS Newsletter Editor regarding email addresses, please ensure that if you haven’t received a VAPS newsletter and you should have, you inform him ASAP. If required please notify a WCC committee member who can pass on any changes for you. Please read on……..

This is the request from VAPS……

VAPS Newsbrief editor, Barrie Attwood, reported 30 Newsbrief emails bounced-back in February and we would appreciate your help to contact people who did not receive their February issue. Perhaps a line could be included in your club newsletter asking your members to make sure that Barrie has been advised of any change in their current email address, or to simply remind people to empty their email box in order to admit incoming mail.

We are hesitant to delete people from the email list, but repeated bounce-backs cause unnecessary additional work. If an address repeatedly sends an error message it will be deleted from the distribution list. Your help in this matter would be appreciated.

Jell’s Park BBQ – Tuesday 18th Feb 09, 6:30pm

Tuesday night and the WCC annual summer BBQ was held in Jells Park at the Stringybark Picnic Area. I arrived at around 6:40 to find that the BBQ covered area was already awash with photographers who had two Kookaburras posing for them on the rafters of the shed. Some people had already been down to the lake and taken shots, others were busy cooking and there were few wandering around trying shots here and there but the turnout was fantastic.

I decided that hunger was more important than the urge to take pictures so I headed for the BBQ. Albert, Anne & Leo, Alan, Tuck and one or two others were gathered around the BBQ cooking, we passed around some stories and discussed how to keep the BBQ’s going and managed to eventually cook some food although Anne’s chicken kebabs still looked pretty raw even after 20 minutes of cooking. Albert had obviously done this before and had his cooked, he took his food to the nearby table after spotting some Kooks sitting in a nearby tree posing nicely for a shot.

Unknown to Albert, this was a tactic employed by these clever birds to lure an unsuspecting BBQ photographer into a well planned and well practiced trap. Unfortunately for Albert he fell for it, hook line and sinker and whilst he was distracted taking shots of an unusually well posed bird, its accomplice swooped and was last seen heading in the opposite direction with one of his sausages. He did give a short chase but soon realised that he had been fooled and settled for what was left on his plate.

After eating it was time for a bit of low sunset photography and a short walk around the lake. The walk didn’t really have anything inspiring but on the way back the horizon had taken on a fantastic shade of blue and some silhouette shots were taken and were very successful. It was at this point when two Tawny Frog Mouths appeared and just sat so close to us on a post and in the tree that we were stunned. They were that close that I actually could not get my 100-400 lens to focus on them and had to move backwards. Unfortunately the light was so low now that flash was required to get anywhere but the birds did stay around for us to get plenty of shots.

I thoroughly enjoyed the night and I hope that everyone else did too although I did get bitten by the mozzie’s. The feedback about the blog was good and it seemed to be going down well but only time will tell. There has been one point that arose which was that not all people have access to the internet however, I have been reliably informed that there are only two members listed without email addresses and one of those has a partner who has got an email address and the other is believed to have access to the internet. Even so, with the internet so easily accessible these days it is easy to access the Blog from many places.

Thanks again to all who attended and please check out the calendar for the next event.

Dave Sumner

Club Trip to Grants Picnic Ground – Sunday 1st Feb 09, 7am

Sunday morning at 7am, Grants Picnic Ground about 3km beyond Belgrave and an already rapidly filling car park. Pete who lived the closest also was the first to arrive followed by me, Roger, Fred and Albert. The first surprise of the morning was the number of other people who were already there, joggers, walkers and even the odd tourist and of course, 5 intrepid photographers. A bit of a poor turnout but not surprising given the hot days we’d had previously and the early start on a Sunday morning.

After exchanging some banter we headed off in the direction of the Paddy Track hoping to get some nice sun rays shining through the mist in the trees but alas, even though there were some low clouds around, none seemed to be willing to create the rays that we were after. The sun did provide us with some lovely shots through the trees though and some brightly clothed joggers gave us some colour in the forest. Unfortunately not even the plants wanted to be photographed on this day as all thoughts of a bit of macro work disappeared when we could find hardly any subjects.

However, later on some very bold Yellow Robins provided us with some excellent close up shots, it was almost like they were being paid to model for us. This was surprising given the amount of people that were walking along the track, in groups and quite noisily in some cases. It was at this point that we said goodbye to Roger as he had to leave or suffer a fate worse than death at the hands of his wife if he didn’t get to the breakfast on the terrace they’d booked at Wheelers Hill.

After strolling for what was about a kilometre, we approached the top of the hill where the path descends down towards Belgrave and turned around. More Yellow Robins, colourful joggers and other objects presented themselves as we strolled back towards the car park where the cafe and a nice breakfast awaited. The cafe was full of Japanese tourists so we had to sit outside. However, this was an absolute blessing in disguise as three Kookaburras’ were patiently sitting waiting on the balcony to be fed. Albert went into action and took a good few photographs, unfortunately at least one of us had followed the Presidents advice and left there camera in the car. I retrieved my camera and thank goodness the Kooks were still there waiting. It was at that point having noticed the interest in the corner, that half of the cafe exited onto the balcony trying to get shots of the three birds who sat motionless waiting for their breakfast. The poor people sitting in the corner had to move tables or be mobbed by the crowds. It was almost impossible to even see the birds as the tourists adopted all sorts of poses in front of them.

Breakfast eaten, coffee & tea drunk, tourists gone and it was nearing 11:30. Pete had to go and so did I so we bid our farewells to each other on what had been a very pleasant morning with some promising photographs waiting to be loaded onto the computer. Hopefully the next Sunday will have a better turnout and we’ll all enjoy ourselves just as much at Abbotsford Convent on the 1st March, see you there.

Dave Sumner

Fences – Don Boyle

Don Boyle, one of our club members has suggested that fences could be an interesting competition subject, please read on and decide for yourself. Please vote in the mini poll for ‘Fences’ as a future competition subject.

These shots and article are from Holly Kerr Forsyth and in part relate to fences.

Quoting a few lines from her article

Think about it. The fence is not an innocent bystander in the meanings a garden carries.

It converts information on the owner’s taste, culture and circumstances.

Drive around suburbs in any Australian town or city and you can date a property even before you open the gates…”.

Perhaps fences may offer a subject for consideration

Before and After – by Ron Weatherhead

I was asked whether I had altered my Water Lilly image in Photoshop (it won the projected image comp in Feb). I took this picture some time ago and could not remember so I searched and found the original image. It may be of interest to look at my “before and after” Photoshop images:
I liked the pattern of the leaves and cropped to include just the one flower. Remember Peter (our judge in Feb) Ryan’s advice – deciding what to leave out is important! The yellow leaf was a distraction so it was removed. The image was then enhanced by darkening increasing contrast and saturation. I cannot remember exactly what I did in Photoshop, but I suspect that I made a layer copy and then used the “Find Edges” filter which I then combined with the background layer “multiply” low “opacity” to highlight the water droplets.

Not all of my photos are worked on as much as this one. However, I do enjoy playing in Photoshop as it adds a great deal of creativity to my photography hobby.

Invitation to the 2009 Glennie Nature Interclub Exhibition

The Waverly Camera Club is expressly requested to join the Merrimack Valley Camera Club (MVCC) as a participant in the 29th annual George W. Glennie Nature Interclub Exhibition. The judging will take place on Saturday, March 28, 2009. The submission closing date for the Exhibition is Tuesday, March 24, 2009.

Although a Best Wildlife award will be given, this is a single section Exhibition. Each club’s images will be distributed throughout 10 rounds. Judging will be conducted on a round by round basis.

The Exhibition web site ( is the primary means of completing an entry form and submitting a club’s images. The vertical Submissions Table is located on the right side of the Home Page and contains three options. “Instructions” provide detailed information concerning the submission of the entry fee, the on-line registration form and the uploading of images. “Registration Form” enables you to directly enter the club identification, the club coordinator’s contact data and the images names and their makers. “Image Submissions” is the means by which copies of the images are uploaded to the web site.

The “Instructions” option also provides information for submitting entries via postal mail. By prior arrangement with the Exhibition Chair, Email may be used to send images and the Registration Form.

For your convenience, some of the more pertinent information is listed below.

o) A club may enter a total of 10 digital images; but no more than two images per maker.

o) Whether they are from scanned slides or digitally captured, images which have previously won Glennie awards are ineligible for re-submission. This exclusion also applies to those images which are near duplicates or so close that they might reasonably be considered identical.

o) The PSA Nature definition will be used. It is available on the Exhibition Home Page.. Manipulation is limited by PSA guidelines. Wildlife eligibility is discussed as part of the PSA Nature definition.

o) Maximum allowable dimensions (in pixels): 1024 horizontal (width); 768 vertical; (height), regardless of image orientation – portrait or landscape.

o) Maximum allowable file size: 1 Megabyte (MB).

o) Images received that are oversized will be adjusted by the Glennie staff. The composition will not be changed, however there may be some loss of quality.

o) Image files must be in JPG/JPEG format.

o) Categories: Amphibians, Birds, Botany, Insects, Land and Seascapes, Mammals, Marine Life and Reptiles. Some categories will be sub-divided, dependent upon the number of entries received.

o) Awards will be presented to the clubs having the four highest cumulative scores.

o) Plaques will be awarded to the best images in each category. A select number of Merit Awards will be given, based on the number of entries in each category. Some high scoring images not otherwise recognized will be presented Honor Awards. Also, each judge will select their favorite from the high scoring images not otherwise receiving an award; those images will be given a plaque. The Exhibition Chair will make a selection, as well, and present a plaque, courtesy of the Yankee Photographic Society.

o) The entry fee, covering all 10 club images, is $15 USD. Payment may be made in cash, by check drawn on a US bank (payable to the Merrimack Valley Camera Club) or by international postal money order (payable to Charlie Burke). Send the payment to the Exhibition Chair.

If you have questions or wish additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the Exhibition Chair.

We hope you will join us and help make this a truly outstanding Exhibition and Nature Showcase. We are looking forward to receiving your images.

Charlie Burke, PPSA

President, Merrimack Valley Camera Club

Submission of EDI Images

A quick note from our EDI competition Steward…

The February represented my first month in this role, and as expected I encountered a few teething problems!

Firstly, one or two members were upset that their EDI submissions were not included in the February comp. This prompted me to write this brief note explaining further the procedures for EDI submission.

– You can submit your EDI images on a disc by giving them to me at the monthly meeting

– You can E Mail them to .

In this day and age of spam filtering and virus filtering there is no guarantee that an image submitted has been received. If you submit a digital file by email, and your images have been successfully received you will receive an auto reply acknowledging your submission. If you do not receive this auto reply your images have not been received and you should contact me ASAP.

Also, a quick note on e mail images. Please make sure your images are sent as attachments and not as embedded images. I sometimes am unable to extract embedded images, so attachments only please.