Workshop Night Tuesday June 16th

The June 16 workshop will be a sound triggered flash and still life night.

In one room George Skarbek will set up his sound triggered flash rig and in the other we will attempt to do some table top photography. This means you have to bring some stuff with you on the night… Your camera and tripod for one.

For the sound triggered flash you can bring whatever you like that will make a noise to set the flash off. George is going to bring some balloons to pop with a dart. It wouldn’t hurt to have more balloons on hand so if you have some handy bring them with you. Other things that will work on the night could include breaking a light globe with a hammer, perhaps we could get in close and photograph a match being lit.

I am counting on you to come up with some more, interesting options. What about coating someone’s hands with flour and getting them to clap? There are endless possibilities so please bring any blown light globes you have lying around and anything else you want to have a go at. Please keep in mind that if you want to make a mess you will have to clean it up.
Because we will be smashing glass please bring your sunglasses or another type of eye protection with you. The last thing I want on the night is to have a piece of glass lodge itself in someones eye. It’s unlikely but best to be prepared. I will have a few pairs of safety goggles but not enough to go around.

In the other room we will attempt to do some table top photography. Dave Sumner is going to bring some older style cameras for us to take pictures of. You might have a bunch of flowers or a model train that you would like to shoot.


It doesn’t matter what it is this is really an exercise in composition and lighting. We also need you to bring some light sources with you. Any kind of light source will do be it a desk lamp or torch or whatever else you can think of. If it needs to be plugged in we will also need you to bring extension cords and powerboards. If you have these things and don’t bring them in then what’s going to happen if everyone else thinks the same as you?

This has all the makings of a really fun (and educational) night but it’s up to us – we’re only going to get out what we put in. See you there.

Knox Photographic Society Monochrome Competition

Just a reminder that our club has been invited to take part in the Knox Interclub competition on Wednesday the 22nd of July 2009.

The competition will be for “Novice Small Prints”, “Large Prints” and “Digital Electronic Projected Images” . It is an OPEN competition, but restricted to MONOCHROME only. Each club may enter 5 in each category.

The judging night will be at Boronia West Primary School, Tormore Road, Boronia. 3155. Melway 64 J8. (Near the Knox swimming pool) starting at 8pm and followed by supper.

All Prints should be mounted. Prints must be identified with a title, Club name and maker.

We will select 5 large prints from those entered in the recent 4-club and VAPS competitions. If you had a monochrome print in one of these competitions, please bring it to our next meeting.

There is a great oppprtunity for members to enter Novice Small Prints (Maximum mount size 8×10 inches – maximum image size 5×7 inches). We will seek interest at our next meeting.

Digital Electronic Projected Images will be selected from entries to our recent EDI competions.

Club Outing – Sunday 3rd May 2009 – Botanical Gardens

Just a quick reminder from the President, Pete Davies regarding Sunday’s club visit to the Botanical Gardens in Melbourne.

This Sunday we are going to Melbourne Botanical Gardens.

I will be at Gate F at 7:30am, yes it’s early.  If you want to get there later and can’t find me hiding in the bushes somewhere then give me a call on 0403 803 299 to find out where I am.  I have to leave at 11 to go to Frankston for a VAPS meeting so I won’t be able to join you for lunch.

If you plan to be there later and stay for lunch then perhaps do a reply all with your plans and mobile number included.  That way we won’t all be completely scattered about the park wandering around looking for someone to explain why their shots are all blurry.

You can find a map of the Botanical Gardens which shows gate F here:

See you there.


Info – Tuesday Night – 5thMay 2009

Just a quick note from the President regarding the next club meeting and open competition on Tuesday 5th May 2009.

This Tuesday before we get into the competition proper we will be demonstrating how the new online galleries and blogs work. Doors will be open at 7pm and we will be starting this demo shortly after.


See you then if I don’t see you on Sunday.

April’s Winners – Water’s Edge (where water meets the land)

Water’s Edge, was judged by our own Tuck Leong, he said that “The entries for April’s competition were of a high standard; unfortunately quite a few did not comply with the Month’s set subject – Water’s Edge”. Below are a the four winners from each of the categories, congratulations to Ron, Ross, Vicki and Warren.

A Grade PrintRon Weatherhead ” Water’s Edge ”

Tuck said, the winning print is a colourful yet simple composition of waves against rocks and a ramp leading into the water. The image reveals craftsmanship in the taking of the photograph and in the making of the print. Ron added, I took this photograph near Cape Conran in Gippsland. When I saw that the club’s competition was to be “Water’s Edge”, I thought that this image fitted the bill. I liked the colour of the rocks and the sea, the pier leading into the deep added perspective.

B Grade PrintVicki Moritz ‘Lough Derg’

Tuck said, a lovely print was presented of a row of blue boats amongst the reeds. The overall tones are harmonious with the saturated colour of the boats drawing attention to their position along the water’s edge. Vicki added, Lough Derg is a large body of water in Ireland along the Shannon River near Portumna. This pretty much typified the week of summer weather we experienced- I don’t think the boats were launched that week! It was taken with Canon 40D with EFS 17-85 f4 lens, handheld.

A Grade EDIRoss Garner ‘Tree and Lake’

Tuck said, the warm directional light revealed the organic form of the overhanging limbs of a tree against dark rippling water. Whilst the water’s edge is not visible, it is implied by the tree limbs leaning across the water.

B Grade EDIWarren Knower ‘Reflection’

Tuck said, the top image consists of a monochrome image with delicate tonality. The over-hanging branches traced a filigree design and reinforced by the strong graphic lines of the rush from the bank. Warren added, the photograph was taken one afternoon on a dreary winter’s day in the Queen Victoria Gardens. I find the reflections fascinating and along with the reeds they tend to disorientate the viewer on which way is up.

A still life – Definition

The WCC August competition subject is ‘Still Life’ and I have been approached on a couple of occasions to define what ‘Still Life’ actually means. Well it just happens that the Digital Photography + Design magazine had the very same question asked of them. Therefore I have used the same answer as they did to define what ‘Still Life’ is and you can find it as described below, published in the pages of Wikipedia.

A still life (plural still lifes [1]) is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural (food, flowers, plants, rocks, or shells) or man-made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewellery, coins, pipes, and so on) in an artificial setting. With origins in ancient times and most popular in Western art since the 17th century, still life paintings give the artist more leeway in the arrangement of design elements within a composition than do paintings of other types of subjects such as landscape or portraiture. Still life paintings, particularly before 1700, often contained religious and allegorical symbolism relating to the objects depicted. Some modern still life breaks the two-dimensional barrier and employs three-dimensional mixed media, and uses found objects, photography, computer graphics, as well as video and sound.

Courtesy of Wikipedia

An Explanation of the “4 CLUB” Competition

A brief but informative introduction to 4-Club from the WCC President, Pete Davies.

There are competitions being run outside of WCC’s monthly comp and lots of photography clubs get together and stage inter club competitions. Waverley is involved in one known as 4 Club, every six months (usually April and October) we join up with Berwick Viewfinders, Eastern Suburbs Photographic Society and Maroondah Photographic Society. The clubs take turns to host the event and Waverley does it in April during the odd number years and when Waverley is not hosting the 4 Club it receives a letter from the host club asking for entries.

We are invited to enter 6 colour, 6 monochrome and 6 digital prints. There is an individual medal given to the maker of the best entry in each class while all the scores are tallied up in each section and the top club in each section is awarded a trophy. Last time around Waverley won everything except for one trophy. Can we do it again? Come along and see.

When you see 4 Club Selection Night listed in the program bring along some prints and or digital for everybody to have a look at. General consensus decides which entries are chosen and we try to spread the entries between as many makers as possible. When we do host the 4 club comp we move into the Community Centre on the corner of Stephenson’s Road and Miller Crescent. If you look out of the kitchen window in Wadham House and across the car park you are looking at the Community Centre.

Please bring a plate of food with you and arrive early as we need some equipment carted across to the Community Centre.

As a final favour could I ask you all to make an effort to introduce yourselves to at least one person that you do not recognise? The whole point of these interclub comps is to get out there and share the love so to speak. Everybody there is there because they all share a common passion so why not spread it around?

Pete Davies WCC President

Knox Photographic Society Monochrome Competition

Our club has been invited to take part in the Knox Interclub competition on Wednesday the 22nd of July 2009. Entries close on 8th July. We will need to decide on entries at our meeting on June 16th, or earlier.

The competition will be for “Novice Small Prints”, “Large Prints” and “Digital Electronic Projected Images” and is restricted to MONOCHROME only. Each club may enter 5 in each category.

The judging night will be at Boronia West Primary School, Tormore Road, Boronia. 3155. Melway 64 J8. (Near the Knox swimming pool) starting at 8pm and followed by supper.

Only Monochrome work is eligible. A single all over toning is acceptable. THERE IS NO SET SUBJECT – it is an OPEN COMPETITION.

All Prints should be mounted. Prints must be identified with a title, Club name and maker.

Large Prints – Maximum mount size for large prints is 16×20 inches (print size optional)

Novice Small Prints – Maximum mount size for small prints is 8×10 inches with a maximum image size of 5×7 inches.
Not compulsory, but recommended that the mount be 8×10 inches.

Digital Electronic Projected Images – Images must be saved as JPEG files and in the sRGB colour space with maximum pixel dimension of 1024 wide x 768 high.

WCC Trip to Beechworth – Labour Day Long Weekend

The WCC had its Labour Day trip to Beechworth from 6th – 9th March 2009. the trip was a huge success eventually attracting 15 members. The text below was written by Dave Sumner and snippets taken from Peter & Jill Myers Blog. Pictures of the weekend can be viewed on the club image gallery.

**Click here check out the comments at the end of this post**

Friday 6th March 2009: The Journey There & the First Night.
It was around 11:00 and Rosie (my wife) and I set off to Beechworth via Swinburne University to buy our son, Phil’s books. It seemed a great idea at the time to incorporate this as we were going in that direction anyway. How wrong I was, after leaving Phil at about 12:15 it took us the best part of an hour to get to the Hume highway and I rest the blame squarely on Mr Garmin’s shoulders. Never follow your sat nav when it is set to the shortest route, go the way you know. At last on the Hume, we were making good time and we only slowed down to view the burnt out bush from the Kilmore fires. The smell of burnt wood filled the car and we sat in silence as we passed kilometre after kilometre of burnt out bush and fields. Being Poms we’d never really experienced anything like this and we were amazed at how many homes were still standing even though they were right in the middle of all the devastation. A credit to the CFA and the owners I think.
We carried on leaving the grey cloud and drizzle that was Melbourne behind and into the blue skies and a warm Beechworth where we arrived at The Old Priory around 4pm. Pete and Jill Myers had already arrived and were in Beechworth with their cameras having already scoped the joint. The others trickled in over the next few hours, the last to arrive being Pete Davies who had unfortunately had to work and couldn’t set off until around 6pm. Beechworth has a very old and deep gorge running through the middle of the town obviously created by a lot of running water. In these troubled times there was hardly a trickle of water in the gorge. We could see where the river would flow if there was water and the rocks were smooth where the waterfall would have been but I would guess it has not flowed for many years. Consequently the gorge became a rock climbing area for me and Pete. We thought the area may make for some spectacular sunset shots that evening, but unfortunately our view of the sunset proved to be totally obscured…not by clouds but by the walls of the pub we later adjourned to!
We’d arranged a meal and 8 of us met up in the Commercial Hotel to enjoy the rest of the evening’s offerings. I must admit that I don’t get out much these days and I did go a little mad with the beer, in fact I was kicked out at closing time with Pete as chaperone only to find when we got back that Craig had secured the Priory’s bar and a free wireless internet connection that was probably located in some poor unsuspecting neighbours house.
Saturday 7th March 2009: The Saturday
The next morning found us all in the breakfast bar and ready for a day’s shooting, all that is except Pete who was still nowhere to be seen. A quick check with Albert, who was sharing rooms with him, allayed our fears of him being in a ditch when he said that Pete was just getting up but wasn’t feeling well. After breakfast saw a group of us get together and decide to walk the entirety of the Beechworth Gorge scenic “drive”. From beginning to end this was a 10km walk, a fabulous chance to walk, chat with friends, stop for a picnic lunch, and take a few pictures. I must add that one of Waverley Bush Walking Club’s most active members, Fred, drove his car around. We won’t tell them Fred, honest.
Once we had completed the walk we decided to explore another of Beechworth’s famous attractions…it’s very own micro brewery! This was definitely Pete Davies’s idea, who was now feeling much better and using his powers of presidency to force us lower on the pecking order to go. So we all were reluctantly dragged kicking and screaming and retired to a shaded part of the brewery to sample the local fare and held a very impromptu committee meeting to talk about how to improve the club. Funnily enough the ideas got more and more radical as we sampled more and more of the brewery products! What I found peculiar was that after sampling 8 of this brewery’s beers to decide which I liked best, I went and ordered a schooner of Carlton Draught. Odd that!!!!
Saturday evening saw us at the pre arranged BBQ at the Priory’s gardens, with a group of about 8 deciding to finish the evening with a Beechworth dusk “Ghost Tour”, a 90 minute walk around the old Beechworth hospital and lunatic asylum. In Pete Myer’s own words “I learnt two very valuable lessons from this tour”:
1. Don’t waste my money on this tour again.
2. Remember my bloody tripod in future if I want to take night photography!
This night (or early Sunday morning) saw two serious and fearless photographers, Pete Davies and I set off into the darkness to carry out some night photography. We spent a lot of time trying to capture a good shot of the moon behind a cross on the roof of the Priory which turned out to be a lot harder to get right than you would imagine, damn thing kept moving. We then moved on and took some shots of the local church using painting with light techniques to light up the dark areas and shadows before the inevitable visit from the local constabulary to see what we were doing. “Taking Photographs” was heard from our lips as the boys in blue thought it was funny to paint the church in red and blue with their own lights. We moved on into the main street, standing in the centre of the road to get some street shots before moving on down towards the Old Post Office and the local drunks. Pete was photographing what he said was a MGA shot of some post boxes when four girls decided that he was shooting for FHM and jumped into his shot and did some unofficial modelling. Of course we ushered them away telling them that we didn’t like taking pictures of drunken girls. If you believe that then I can write whatever I like and you’ll believe that as well. After the girls photo session and their lift to the next party had arrived, we moved on to photographing the outside of the local bar before returning to the Priory at around 3pm for more coffee and some sleep.
Sunday 8th March 2009: The Trip Out
Sunday morning saw us departing as a group en masse for the nearby Myrtleford Festival and a local photography exhibition. We ALL agreed (as we would!) that the competition photos (and they were for sale) were no better and in fact a lot worse than the photography that we produce. Suitably self satisfied we set off to prove that to ourselves with a trip up Mount Buffalo. We decided to take the hike to the top of the “Hump” and the “Cathedral” both at the top of the mountain, two huge stone facades which dominated the landscape. It was a fair old climb but well worthwhile. We got some great shots of these two iconic rocks as well as the surrounding panoramic views. I even tried a full 360 degree panorama shot; with Pete in every image…I await with interest the outcome of this when I finally get time to do my Photoshop stitching! Also we exposed a fraud, the shot of ‘The Hump’ in Tuck’s Gallery offering is actually ‘The Cathedral’ and we spent a good while trying to take the same shot as tuck had done. He did take it in good heart even though Pete and I threatened to expose his error to the worldJ. After the climb we drove to Lake Catini on Mount Buffalo and had a very late afternoon picnic, enjoying the warm sun and the good company.
On the way back we stopped off at the site of the earlier bushfires, just to the South of Beechworth. For the first time we really got a sense of the scale and magnitude of these fires. Hundreds upon hundreds of hectares of land totally burned and occupied by a new eerie species of plant…dead trees with black trunks and brown leaves, growing in a scarred barren black and brown expanse…No photograph we could take could do justice to the scene…but we tried!
Sunday evening saw another group dinner at the same local pub before retiring for our final night stay at the Priory and yes I was the last to leave again with the other Pete this time.
Monday 9th March 2009: Labour Day
Monday morning saw the group depart in different directions for the journey home. Most said that they would be taking more shots of the bush fire affected areas before leaving. We had a long trip to Echuca before heading back to Melbourne so we left fairly early and enjoyed the scenery as the land flattens right off as you head further west. We had a brilliant weekend made special by everyone who attended which was: Peter & Jill, Tuck & Soo, Ron & Chris, Ross & Diane, Pete (President), Craig, Fred, Albert, John, Rosie & I. Thanks to you all for making it such a success.
Albert’s Comments: Fred and I came up the back way, over Eildon Weir, through Mansfield and Whitby then through Myrtleford to Beechworth. This route took us through kilometre after kilometre of burnt out forest and we even passed the Glenburn Pub, which just a heap of charred wood and twisted metal. This experience, more than all the graphic photos I have seen and the thousands of printed words I have read brought the bushfires home to me. The sheer scale of devastation literally had to be seen to be believed.
On a more cheerful note, as to the trip itself, I enjoyed myself immensely. I am not one who takes to small talk easily but everybody seemed to go out of their way to make everyone else feel comfortable and relaxed. On a personal level. I have to say that I struggled a bit to find photo opportunities but I enjoyed Mt Buffalo and I have attached a pic of a view from the Gorge which I was quite taken with, even if the pic may not do it justice.
Fred also went out of his way to give me the benefit of his experience in the area and I would have struggled a lot more without his help. He also showed me the Eldorado dredge, which is a fascinating relic of the alluvial gold mining days in the district from back in the 1930’s.
Pete’s Comments: I was the last to arrive in Beechworth on the Friday night and didn’t catch up with most people until the next day. Saturday was the highlight for me as we got to go back to Bridge Road Brewery and sample their rather tasty wares. It was a fantastic opportunity to sit around and get to know some of my fellow camera club members (and their partners) as I often don’t get the chance to even say hello at our regular meetings. Of course we talked about all things photographic but we also just chatted as friends. This conversation was continued back at the priory while we had a BBQ and for a couple of us (a certain newsletter editor and I) it even continued back out on the deserted streets of Beechworth long into the night. A thoroughly enjoyable day in what was a great weekend all round.
Christine & Ron’s Comments: For me and Christine, the Labour Day weekend means Camera Club outing. We have been going for about 15 years now, so we must enjoy them. These outings are not all about photography, Chris does not take photographs, but we do try to take a few photos. We usually get out into the bush and do some walking, maybe a BBQ, visit a pub or two and have a meal at a nearby restaurant. This visit to Beechworth had all of that. Here is one of my photos taken on the walk up Mt Buffalo from Lake Catani.

Club Trip to Abbotsford Convent

On Sunday 1st March 2009, the club held its Sunday outing to the Convent at Abbotsford. As usual for these club trips it can be 36 deg on the Saturday and on the following Monday but the Sunday started as dull overcast and cold. Rain was drizzling from the sky and when I arrived at 07:40, I was late partly because I forgot to even look where the place was and part due to the Monash Freeway being closed at Burke Street and the sun was definitely nowhere to be seen. There were three of us there; Pete had arrived early because he was due in Ballarat for the VAPS meeting and APSCON opening ceremony. We ventured into the convent and found the cafe was open and it was a struggle for me to pass the door without venturing in out of the cold. The buildings we found were in poor state of repair and it seemed to get worse as we made our way around the back. There were shots to be had everywhere but with the light so flat we were having problems getting anything decent. It soon shot around to 08:15 and Pete said he had to go so the remaining two of us found the cafe and some breakfast. One or two others started to drift in but as seems to be the case lately, not significant numbers. I ate my breakfast and then ventured off to find some different buildings and found a very nice courtyard and a open corridor to photograph.

I took quite a few photographs around the buildings and there were hundreds of doors, a comment I heard again from Don who also had found hundreds of doors. But my stomach soon got the better of me again where I met up with some other club members who were also looking for a coffee. We were joined by yet another couple and eventually another couple so much talking and chatting went on. Several coffees later I decide that enough was enough and headed off to find another location to take photographs.

Thanks to the members that supported the trip and I hope you enjoyed the day at Abbotsford Convent. I’m looking forward to the next trip to Puffing Billy on the 29th March 2009.