Dahlia Society collaboration 2025

We were recently approached by the Dahlia Society of Victoria to collaborate with them for their annual Show; in particular to provide and display some photographic prints showcasing Dahlias on the walls of the Track Gallery during their Annual Show.

There was not enough time to involve all of our members, however Leanne Poole and a few other members already have some Dahlia images which will be on display this weekend on behalf of the club.

2025 State Dahlia Show
Mount Waverley Community Centre
47 Miller Crescent, Mount Waverley
Saturday 22 February 1pm to 5pm
Sunday 23 February 10am to 3:30pm

If all goes well and we are invited to participate in next year’s show we will ensure all members are able to participate, including potential activities such as an outing to a Dahlia grower or a workshop taking photos of Dahlias in a studio.

Creative SIG in 2024

The creative sessions for 2024 will be taking a slightly different direction this year, the first session will be hosted by Geoff Shaw on Tuesday 13th February 2024 and will cover:

  1. What is Creative photography – Helen Warnod
  2. In Camera BLUR – Jen Fawkes
  3. Focus on Shirley Steel’s work – Jenny Adams
  4. Appreciation/ review of uploaded images for February – Tim Keane
  5. Discussion of sessions for the rest of 2024 – Paul Spence

Annual Presentation Night – Tuesday 5th December 2023

Bookings for the WCC Annual Presentation Dinner are now open via TryBooking. Please note that we will not be holding it at the Hall this year, but at the Sandown Park Hotel.

This is an evening and opportunity to catch up with fellow Club members, acknowledge our achievements and congratulate the winners of our Annual Awards. The Committee have arranged for the Club to subsidise the two course dinner; same price for members and partners. There are a limited number of seats available. This is a once a year event, so please don’t miss out.

Thanks to Ross Eddington who has done much of the organising for this.

Celebrating Melbourne’s top secondary photomedia students in an exciting exhibition at MAPh

Our club aponsors a competition run by the Museum of Australian Photography (MAPh) for secondary students in honour of our dear departed friend Rosie Hughes. Please see below information about the launch of the exhibition on Wednesday 26th April 2023 at 6:00pm.

Celebrating its 15th year, TOPshots continues to highlight the strength of the photographic work being produced by students in Victoria’s high schools. The 14 artists selected for this year’s exhibition highlight a range of creative and experimental approaches to photography while exploring themes and ideas that are relevant to these young artists as they navigate their worlds and develop their creative responses.
MAPh is proud to have the opportunity to foreground and acknowledge these emerging artists while providing them with a vital platform to share and exhibit their work.
  – Stella Loftus-Hills, MAPh Curator

TOPshots 2022–23 | Exhibition launch and award announcement
Museum of Australian Photography
Wednesday 26 April 2023
6:00pm – 7:30pm
Free event. RSVPs essential

March competition night back in the Main Hall

We will be back in the Main Hall at the Mount Waverley Community Centre for our competition night on Tuesday 1st March 2022.

Monash Council have confirmed the following requirements:

  • Attendees must be fully vaccinated to enter a community facility & provide proof to your group representative
  • Attendees must check into the facility via the QR Code or register via the manual registration provided
  • Use hand sanitiser on entry & through your occupation of the facility
  • All persons over the age of 8 years must wear a mask when inside a community facility

If there is any change to these requirements notified to us before the meeting on Tuesday night, members will be notified ASAP.

We would also like to clarify that a 7:30pm start time means that you should arrive at 7:15pm and the meeting will start at 7:30pm sharp. This is especially important this week with the additional COVID procedures detailed above.

February Competition night now via Zoom

The committee has been continuously monitoring the progress of the ongoing situation in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in particular the potential risks to our members of returning to in person meetings. As such the committee has decided that we will not be returning to in person meetings until at least the beginning of March.

This means that the February Competition Night on Tuesday 1st February will be held via Zoom (link to be advised in the Watson on Sunday) and not at the Mount Waverley Community Centre as previously advertised.

In regard to prints, your EDI versions of entries for March will still need to be uploaded by midnight on 1st February, however the physical prints for March can be dropped off at the entrance to the MWCC between 6:30pm and 7:30pm the following night, Wednesday 2nd February. The February Print entries will also be available for pickup on the Wednesday at the Hall.

We hope you will understand the reasons for this late change, and apologise of any inconvenience it may cause.

31st Eastern Interclub Competition results

At the recent 31st Eastern Interclub Competition run by Maroondah Photographic Society we came first overall and second in both sections. Particular congratulations for individual awards go to:

Jen Fawkes - Water Girl
Jen Fawkes – Water Girl – 1st Place B&W

Steve Hilton - Laughter is the best medicine
Steve Hilton – Laughter is the best medicine – 3rd Place Open

Jill Shaw - Eating icecreams
Jill Shaw – Eating icecreams – Merit Open

Sim Chong - The S Sofa
Sim Chong – The S Sofa – Merit B&W

Vicki Moritz - Lost habitat2
Vicki Moritz – Lost habitat2 – Merit B&W

Thanks also to the selection committee and others who organised our entries.

Our entries can be viewed in our Eastern Interclub 2021 galleries.