August 2022 ‘Animals/Pets’ results

Judge: Stella Loftus-Hills

Set subject EDI

John Crawford - Cottontop Tamarin
Intermediate: John Crawford – Cottontop Tamarin

Steve Hilton - Pepe
Advanced: Steve Hilton – Pepe

Open EDI

Nihal Basnayake - Moon and Light Trails
Intermediate: Nihal Basnayake – Moon and Light Trails

Tim Keane - Bark Painting
Advanced: Tim Keane – Bark Painting

Open Print

Jenny Hartman - Afternoon Meeting
Intermediate: Jenny Hartman – Afternoon Meeting

John Noble - Lake Eyre mound springs
Advanced: John Noble – Lake Eyre mound springs

Creative EDI

Helen Warnod - On the sandy shores
Helen Warnod – On the sandy shores

Set subject definition:

An image of living animals, birds or insects either confined or in their natural environment. Studio style images of animals are acceptable.

July 2022 ‘Contre-Jour’ results

Judge: Matt Irwin

Set subject EDI

Alan Scott - Beach Cricket
Intermediate: Alan Scott – Beach Cricket

George Skarbek - Wind and dust
Advanced: George Skarbek – Wind and dust

Open EDI

Jill Anderson - Identifying the flower
Intermediate: Jill Anderson – Identifying the flower

Geoff Shaw - Cormorant fisher 2
Advanced: Geoff Shaw – Cormorant fisher 2

Open Print

Jenny Adams - Corduroy Landscape Ord River
Intermediate: Jenny Adams – Corduroy Landscape Ord River

Alan Bennett - Landing a kite
Advanced: Alan Bennett – Landing a kite

Set subject definition:

Contre-jour (French for “against daylight”) is a photographic technique in which the camera is pointing directly toward a source of light.

Contre-jour produces backlighting of the subject. The effect usually hides details, causes a stronger contrast between light and dark, creates silhouettes and emphasizes lines and shapes.

June 2022 ‘Night scenes’ results

Judge: Heather Prince

Set subject EDI

John Crawford - National Day Celebration
Intermediate: John Crawford – National Day Celebration

Stephen Edmonds - Acute
Advanced: Stephen Edmonds – Acute

Open EDI

Colleen Singleton - Looking for water
Intermediate: Colleen Singleton – Looking for water

Jill Shaw - Winter scene
Advanced: Jill Shaw – Winter scene

Open Print

John Noble - Black Shouldered Kite nest building
Intermediate: John Noble – Black Shouldered Kite nest building

Vicki Moritz - Whanregarwen backroad
Advanced: Vicki Moritz – Whanregarwen backroad

Creative EDI

Vicki Moritz - Tram into the city
Vicki Moritz – Tram into the city

Set subject definition:

Any photograph taken outdoors between dusk and dawn.

4-Club Interclub 2022 results

We have received the results of the 2022 4-Club (Camberwell, Maroondah, Eastern Suburbs and ourselves) interclub which was hosted by Maroondah Photographic Society and judged by Margaret Zommers this year.

We came first overall with a total of 151 points.

We also came first in the monochrome EDI section with four images receiving awards:

Jen Fawkes - Who Are You
First place: Jen Fawkes – Who Are You

Vicki Moritz - Family Portrait
Second place: Vicki Moritz – Family Portrait

Angela McLeod - Evil
Merit: Angela McLeod – Evil

Helen Warnod - At the core
Merit: Helen Warnod – At the core

For colour EDI two of our image received awards:

Felix Shparberg - Towards a victory
Merit: Felix Shparberg – Towards a victory

Steve Hilton - Laughter is the best medicine
Merit: Steve Hilton – Laughter is the best medicine

All of our entries can be viewed in the Monochrome EDI and Colour EDI galleries.

May 2022 ‘Portrait’ results

Judge: Andrew Esposito

Set subject EDI

Ross Eddington - Captain and his Yatch
Intermediate: Ross Eddington – Captain and his Yatch

Steve Hilton - Glow
Advanced: Steve Hilton – Glow

Open EDI

Jenny Sui - flying fox skimming
Intermediate: Jenny Sui – flying fox skimming

Jill Shaw - Speed skater
Advanced: Jill Shaw – Speed skater

Open Print

Jenny Hartman - Nude Shadow
Intermediate: Jenny Hartman – Nude Shadow

Trace O'Rourke - Snowgums on the Bogong Plains One
Advanced: Trace O’Rourke – Snowgums on the Bogong Plains One

Set subject definition:

A portrait, in the broad sense, is a recognisable image of an individual person or group. The photograph must be taken from life (i.e. a physical, living person or group of people).

The subject of the portrait may be anyone. Group portraits and self-portraits will be accepted.

April 2022 ‘Street’ results

Judge: Paul Robinson

Set subject EDI

Keith Webster - Post office steps
Intermediate: Keith Webster – Post office steps

Jen Fawkes - No war in Ukraine
Advanced: Jen Fawkes – No war in Ukraine

Open EDI

Ross Eddington - Rocky Outcrop
Intermediate: Ross Eddington – Rocky Outcrop

Rebecca Kashyap - Chinatown
Advanced: Rebecca Kashyap – Chinatown

Open Print

John Noble - Look who just dropped in
Intermediate: John Noble – Look who just dropped in

Vicki Moritz - Red car Cuba
Advanced: Vicki Moritz – Red car Cuba


Sim Chong - Alone
Sim Chong – Alone

Set subject definition:

A non-formalized genre of photography that may feature people and/or objects in candid situations within public places such as streets, parks, beaches, malls, political conventions, and other associated settings.

Images can often be ironic or emotionally detached from subject matter, focusing instead on a particular context or detail.

Framing and timing are key aspects of the craft, with the aim of creating images at a decisive or poignant moment.

March 2022 ‘Architecture Detail’ results

Judge: Tony Harding

Set subject EDI

Jenny Sui - The famous atrium
Intermediate: Jenny Sui – The famous atrium

Vicki Moritz - Rome going down
Advanced: Vicki Moritz – Rome going down

Open EDI

Ross Eddington - Elizabeth Quay
Intermediate: Ross Eddington – Elizabeth Quay

Advanced: Dianne Willis – ENJOYING A SPLASH

Open Print

Jenny Sui - Poppy with raindrops
Intermediate: Jenny Sui – Poppy with raindrops

Daren Fawkes - Mangrove
Advanced: Daren Fawkes – Mangrove

Set subject definition:

Features a building or parts of – domes, doors, roofs, stairways, steeples, towers, verandas, and windows.

February 2022 ‘Nature’ results

Judge: David Burren

Set subject EDI

Colleen Singleton - I am the One
Intermediate: Colleen Singleton – I am the One

George Skarbek - Meerkat on Guard
Advanced: George Skarbek – Meerkat on Guard

Open EDI

Rahul Kapur - Another day begins on Earth
Intermediate: Rahul Kapur – Another day begins on Earth

George Skarbek - Superboat
Advanced: George Skarbek – Superboat

Open Print

John Noble - Cold feet
Intermediate: John Noble – Cold feet

Alan Bennett - Silver eyed
Advanced: Alan Bennett – Silver eyed

Set subject definition:

Nature photography records all branches of natural history except anthropology and archaeology. This includes all aspects of the physical world, both animate and inanimate, that have not been made or modified by humans.

Nature images must convey the truth of the scene that was photographed. A well-informed person should be able to identify the subject of the image and be satisfied that it has been presented honestly and that no unethical practices have been used to control the subject or capture the image. Images that directly or indirectly show any human activity that threatens the life or welfare of a living organism are not allowed.

The most important part of a Nature image is the nature story it tells. High technical standards are expected and the image must look natural. Adding a vignette or blurring the background during processing is not allowed.

Objects created by humans, and evidence of human activity, are allowed in Nature images only when they are a necessary part of the Nature story.

Photographs of human-created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domesticated animals, human-created hybrid animals and mounted or preserved zoological specimens are not allowed.

Images taken with subjects under controlled conditions, such as zoos, are allowed.

Controlling live subjects by chilling, anaesthetic or any other method of restricting natural movement for the purpose of a photograph is not allowed.

No modification that changes the truth of a Nature image is allowed. Images may be cropped but no other technique that removes, adds or moves any part of the image is allowed.

Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise and lens flare are allowed.

Complete conversion of colour images to greyscale monochrome is allowed. Partial conversion, toning and infrared captures or conversions are not allowed.

Images of the same subject that are combined in-camera or with software by focus stacking or exposure blending are allowed. Multiple images with overlapping fields of view that are taken consecutively and combined in-camera or with software (image stitching) are allowed.

The above is the PSA Nature definition effective from January 1 2022.
See also the PSA Guide for Nature Photographers and Judges (PDF 1.7MB).

Social event on Tuesday 11th January 2022

Our first activity of 2022 will be a social event at Brickmakers Park in Oakleigh on Tuesday 11th January 2022 from 6:30pm. Keeping in mind the current COVID Safe guidelines we will leave it up to individuals to determine if they will be using the BBQ, just bringing their own meal or even just stopping by.

This is also the due date for our February competition, so bring along your print entries and make sure you are a paid up member!

Our venue:
Brickmakers Park
23-29 Stamford Road, Oakleigh 3166