September 2024 ‘Patterns and Textures (monochrome)’ results

Judge: Lisa Law

Set subject EDI

Alan Scott - Crab Sand Ball Pattern
Intermediate: Alan Scott – Crab Sand Ball Pattern

Marlene Chaitra - Cracked
Advanced: Marlene Chaitra – Cracked

Open EDI

Kirsten Morton - Ebb and Flow
Intermediate: Kirsten Morton – Ebb and Flow

Tim Keane - The Specialists
Advanced: Tim Keane – The Specialists

Open Print

Kirsten Morton - Mans Best Friend
Intermediate: Kirsten Morton – Mans Best Friend

Vicki Moritz - Fjordboten in cloud
Advanced: Vicki Moritz – Fjordboten in cloud

Set subject definition:

An image that demonstrates patterns or textures as the main point of interest. Open to interpretation for example can include patterns and textures found in nature, architecture and abstracts. There are no limitations on editing beyond what is in the by-laws.

August 2024 ‘Intentional Camera Movement’ results

Judge: Ewen Bell

Set subject EDI

Colleen Singleton - The dancer
Intermediate: Colleen Singleton – The dancer

Stephen Edmonds - Panel gap
Advanced: Stephen Edmonds – Panel gap

Open EDI

Alan Scott - Outback Spinifex
Intermediate: Alan Scott – Outback Spinifex

Sim Chong - Birds and Cattle
Advanced: Sim Chong – Birds and Cattle

Open Print

Vira Vujovich - Girl on the Shore Lake Simcoe
Intermediate: Vira Vujovich – Girl on the Shore Lake Simcoe

Sim Chong - Mt Feathertop
Advanced: Sim Chong – Mt Feathertop

Set subject definition:

Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) is a creative way of working with long exposure photography where the camera is moved during an exposure. ICM is both a technique and an artistic way of expression. ICM must not be simulated during editing, otherwise there are no limitations on editing beyond what is in the by-laws.

July 2024 ‘Music’ results

Judge: Angela Connor

Set subject EDI

Lyndel Holt - A Violinists Journey jpg
Intermediate: Lyndel Holt – A Violinists Journey jpg

Jen Fawkes - The Band
Advanced: Jen Fawkes – The Band

Open EDI

Fiona Jones - The only car on the road
Intermediate: Fiona Jones – The only car on the road

Sim Chong - Huge Vases
Advanced: Sim Chong – Huge Vases

Open Print

Colleen Singleton - Through the window
Intermediate: Colleen Singleton – Through the window

Jen Fawkes - Free my dad
Advanced: Jen Fawkes – Free my dad

Set subject definition:

An image that depicts an association with music. There are no limitations on editing beyond what is in the by-laws.

VAPS Interclub 2024 results

Congratulations to our members who had images selected for entry into the 2024 VAPS Interclub competition. With 223 points we came first in print entries and with 204 points we did ok with our EDI entries.

Special mention to Jenny Sui and Alan Bennett who received Merit awards for these entries:

Jenny Sui - Summer feast
Jenny Sui – Summer feast

Alan Bennett - Just winging it
Alan Bennett – Just winging it

All of our entries can be viewed in our print and EDI galleries.

Slideshows of the entries from all clubs are also available:

June 2024 ‘Triptych’ results

Judge: Sarah Louise Jackson

Set subject EDI

Kirsten Morton - Sunbreak Wavebreak
Intermediate: Kirsten Morton – Sunbreak Wavebreak

Daryl Lynch - Moomba Fireworks
Advanced: Daryl Lynch – Moomba Fireworks

Open EDI

Simon Glance - MilkyWayfromWA
Intermediate: Simon Glance – MilkyWayfromWA

Sim Chong - Morning Mist
Advanced: Sim Chong – Morning Mist

Open Print

Jenny Adams - Roald Dahl
Intermediate: Jenny Hartman – Jenny Adams – Roald Dahl

Vicki Moritz - Turf farm survivor
Advanced: Vicki Moritz – Turf farm survivor

Set subject definition:

A series of three (3) images that are linked and presented in a single frame. There are no limitations on editing beyond what is in the by-laws.

May 2024 ‘Animals in Action – Behaviour (nature)’ results

Judge: Sam Mariani

Set subject EDI

Keith Webster - Frog snack
Intermediate: Keith Webster – Frog snack

Daren Fawkes - Dinner time
Advanced: Daren Fawkes – Dinner time

Open EDI

Lyndel Holt - Pondering
Intermediate: Lyndel Holt – Pondering

Felix Shparberg - Different emotions
Advanced: Felix Shparberg – Different emotions

Open Print

Jenny Hartman - Road to El Chalten
Intermediate: Jenny Hartman – Road to El Chalten

Leanne Poole - Mayfly
Advanced: Leanne Poole – Mayfly

Set subject definition:

Take your nature photography a step further and take an image of an animal/animals in action. Looking for animal behaviour (running, jumping, flying, feeding, mating, fighting…). The editing rules for PSA Nature are to be followed but not the content rules. Domestic animals are allowed as are objects created by humans, and evidence of human activity.

April 2024 ‘In the Kitchen’ results

Judge: Jose Aguiar

Set subject EDI

Colleen Singleton - Strawberries and cream
Intermediate: Colleen Singleton – Strawberries and cream

Sim Chong - Curry Fish
Advanced: Sim Chong – Curry Fish

Open EDI

Jenny Hartman - Taking a Break
Intermediate: Jenny Hartman – Taking a Break

Rebecca Kashyap - 927 Rainbow Frames
Advanced: Rebecca Kashyap – 927 Rainbow Frames

Open Print

Jenny Adams - Agave
Intermediate: Jenny Adams – Agave

Jenny Sui - Flammingo closeup
Advanced: Jenny Sui – Flammingo closeup

Set subject definition:

Get into the kitchen and have some fun! Create an image of the people, activities, food, or tools all within the theme of ‘in the kitchen’. There are no limitations on editing beyond what is in the by-laws.

March 2024 ‘Portrait (monochrome)’ results

Judge: Paul Dodd

Set subject EDI

Alan Scott - Looking Up
Intermediate: Alan Scott – Looking Up

Sim Chong - 92 yo Potter
Advanced: Sim Chong – 92 yo Potter

Open EDI

Ross Eddington - Beyond
Intermediate: Ross Eddington – Beyond

Vicki Moritz - 2 walkers Melbourne
Advanced: Vicki Moritz – 2 walkers Melbourne

Open Print

Colleen Singleton - tree knots
Intermediate: Colleen Singleton – tree knots

Stephen Edmonds - Through arch
Advanced: Stephen Edmonds – Through arch

Set subject definition:

Theme open to interpretation but must be of a person/s or animals. There are no limitations on editing beyond what is in the by-laws.

February 2024 ‘Festivals, Fairs and Market Places’ results

Judge: Paul Robinson

Set subject EDI

Alan Scott - Floating Market Stall
Intermediate: Alan Scott – Floating Market Stall

Geoff Shaw - Exhillaration
Advanced: Geoff Shaw – Exhillaration

Open EDI

Vira Vujovich - CN Tower Toronto
Intermediate: Vira Vujovich – CN Tower Toronto

Helen Warnod - At the gallery
Advanced: Helen Warnod – At the gallery

Open Print

Kirsten Morton - Banksia
Intermediate: Kirsten Morton – Banksia

Geoff Shaw - Burley Griffin dawn
Advanced: Geoff Shaw – Burley Griffin dawn

Set subject definition:

Images of people or events engaged in festivals or fairs, or at the local marketplace.

Following the definition of PSA Photo Travel.