COVID & WCC Activities

As we are all in lockdown for the next 7 days, it probably goes without saying, but all in-person WCC activities are now suspended until further notice.

Where practical and possible, club meetings, workshops etc. will be conducted via Zoom. This will commence with the June Competition Night next Tuesday, June 1st, at 7:30PM, on Zoom.

At our committee meeting tonight, we decided that while we will proceed with the judging of prints submitted this month (for June 1 judging), we intend to put these prints out for display at the July meeting (assuming we can meet in-person by then). There will be no print competition in July and you will not submit prints, or EDIs of same, by June 1 (for the July comp).

We are hoping that this will be a short interruption to our in-person activities and print comp. We will keep you informed via email, the website, and Facebook as we work through this together.

Please read our weekly WCC Watson Emails where we will confirm proceedings for the next week and whether they are via Zoom or in-person (if restrictions permit), as well as the details for each specific session.

Please stay safe and stay well.

New Year Event – Picnic-In-The-Park

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a terrific festive season and, notwithstanding the continuing annoyance that COVID brings, I hope you managed to spend some special moments with family and friends.

We are planning a Picnic-In-The-Park event on Tuesday January 12th, starting at 5:30PM at Jells Park. Note that this event will only proceed if current restrictions remain in place and the weather cooperates. It is important that you monitor your email for any updates on the Tuesday.

This will be a catered-for event (with the option to BYO food if you prefer). To make this as easy as possible in the event of a cancellation, we are planning to cater with pizzas, a simple green side-salad, and a choice of two desserts. This approach means we do not have to order anything until the day of the event.

If you have decided to join us, the most important thing is that you must register for the event for the purposes of contact tracing and catering.

And don’t forget, we want to get our print competition up and running again in 2021, so please bring along your prints to the picnic event to submit for the February competition night.

I hope to see you at Jells Park on the 12th.

Suspension of all meetings until further notice

We have all been inundated with information around the escalating COVID-19 virus, and today the Premier of Victoria declared a state of emergency.

Today’s statement accompanying the state of emergency declaration included words to the effect that “clubs” should avoid “non-essential” gatherings. And while the context of that sentence refers to “bans” outlined in the previous paragraph (gatherings of 500+ people), it is also clear that our governments intend to take further action.

The WCC Committee is focused on putting the health and safety of our members first. We note that a reasonable proportion of our membership is in the older “at risk” age group. It is clear that conducting meetings (of any sort) would be taking on unnecessary risk with our member’s health. Finally, we note that VAPS have cancelled meetings and have discontinued handling prints.

For all these reasons the WCC Committee has decided that the club will suspend ALL meetings, workshops, outings and any other gatherings until further notice.

Also note the following:

  1. The InFocus Exhibition will continue until it’s scheduled finish date (March 22). This is held in a very large space and we only have a couple visitors at any time. If you are scheduled to be a monitor at the gallery, we ask you to please attend. If you have concerns for your health in attending, please contact either Vicki Moritz or myself.
  2. In an effort to stagger picking up prints from the InFocus Exhibition, please arrive any time after 12 noon – we would like to avoid everyone arriving at 3pm.
  3. The April 7 Competition Night will NOT proceed. We will announce winners electronically. We will work through print collection at a later time.
  4. We intend to continue to accept EDI images for monthly competitions and have them judged (our print section, in all groups, is suspended from next month onwards)
  5. For April and subsequent months, we will work with judges to see if we can distribute judge’s comments.
  6. We understand there are a couple of “special” workshops and events scheduled, some of which we have accepted payment for. We will work through that shortly. The fate of these may be decided at the next committee meeting.
  7. Please take advantage of social media and networking in these uncertain times. Join the club’s Facebook group and/or the WhatsApp community. This is a great way to stay connected.
  8. The committee is looking at other measures to improve our ability to stay connected and mentor each other.

As regrettable and painful as this decision is, we hope that this decision makes sense to our members. Hopefully we can all get through this health event with limited additional disruption. We will continue to update members via our website and the weekly Watson emails. We will also provide additional updates (such as this one) as required. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or another Committee member

Take care and stay healthy.
Kind regards, Russell

Postponed: Portrait & Lighting Workshop

We regret to advise that the Portrait Workshop scheduled for this coming Saturday will not be proceeding.

A new date is not yet confirmed. I’d ask everyone to appreciate that there are a lot of parts to this exercise (halls, equipment, instructors, models, etc). Over the coming days we will work to get these lined-up and confirm the new date to you as soon as it is known.

See you at the InFocus Exhibition opening event this Friday 13th March, 6-8pm, Track Gallery, Mount Waverley Community Centre.

Portrait & Lighting Workshop – Saturday 14th March 2020

NOTE: This workshop has been postponed to a later date.

Last month the club announced a major focus during the first half of 2020 around developing our portrait photography skills. Jen Fawkes ran three very successful beginner portraiture workshops which helped build key skills around working with models. As previously announced, this month we are going to build on our model engagement skills while focusing on use of lighting.

On Saturday 14th March 2020, we have been fortunate to engage professional lighting specialist and portrait photographer Michael Marlborough from Kayell, who will lead us in a very special workshop event. Michael has also engaged four professional models to work with us on the day.

Members please refer to the information emailed out that includes the schedule for the day and how to book your place.

President’s Trophy 2019 – Moment Of Impact

With only two more competition nights remaining (October 1st, and October 29th) our club year is building up to its finale. That can only mean one thing… it is time to announce the subject for the 2019 President’s Trophy competition.

The subject for this year is… Moment Of Impact

I am not going to provide any further definition as I want us all to enjoy the full spectrum of creativity that might come from leaving the subject stated as-is. Above all, I really hope that you have some fun with it.

Please note that your images must the submitted to club’s competition email address by the end of the day, Tuesday November 5, 2019 (Melbourne Cup Day).

Bring on the “Wow” (and maybe a few laughs).

Good luck and regards, Russell.