A good day at Churchill Island

Our June 2018 outing was to Churchill Island, off Phillip Island, on Sunday 3rd June 2018. This had been planned to enable members to photograph pelicans feeding, farm animals in a working farm environment and surrounds.

We had 17 participants for the Outing and met at the San Remo Fisherman’s Co-op, San Remo; just in time to see the feeding of the pelicans on the beach. Perfect weather; a little cloud but otherwise blue skies!

We then drove to Churchill Island and enjoyed lunch together at Churchill Island Cafe. The cafe had set up a special table for us.

After lunch we saw the milking of a cow, sheep shearing, whip cracking and a working dog demonstration. There were many other farm animals to photograph.

Some stayed until late in the afternoon which allowed them to enjoy a magnificent sunset during the drive home.

Others stayed to enjoy fish and chips at San Remo for dinner.

A good day had by all!

Ross Eddington - Churchill Island

Marlene Chaitra - Lunch

Jill Shaw-Cow 2

Dave Sumner - $3 Haircut

Gallery for this outing.

Churchill Island Outing – Sunday 3rd June 2018

Our Outing for June is to Churchill Island, (off Phillip Island) on Sunday 3/06/18.
This Outing will allow you to capture images of pelicans feeding, heritage farm images and a variety of farm animals; including Heilan coo. There is also a wetland nearby.

11.30am: Meet at San Remo.
12.00pm: Pelican feeding
1.00pm: Lunch (menu attached)
2.00pm: Farm experience photography.

Activities/demonstrations on the island include:
2.30pm: Sheep Shearing
2.45pm: Whip Cracking
3.05pm: Working Dogs

Register at outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5PM Friday 1st June 2018. Final details will be sent to you once we have the final numbers. Please let Ross know if you would like a lift or can provide a lift and confirm if you are wanting to join everyone for lunch.

Entry fee to the farm is $13 but is expected to be less on the day for WCC!

Autumn Leaves Outing – Sunday 6th May 2018

Our Outing for May is on Sunday the 6th at The Dandenong Ranges Botanic Gardens, (formerly known as The National Rhododendron Gardens), Olinda. This Outing will allow you to capture images of autumn.

Please register with Ross Eddington at outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5PM Friday, 4/05/18.

When registering:

  • Please let us know if you will be lunching with us, (ie: advise as early as possible so a table can be booked).
  • Also if you would like a lift or offer to car pool, please mention it in your registration and provide enough time to allow coordination.

Geelong Waterfront plus Wildlife Photographer of the Year Outing

On Sunday 22/04/18, our Outing was to Geelong Waterfront and Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition at the Geelong Wool Museum. Some of us car pooled which enhanced our experience and met at Cunningham Pier at 10AM. There was a lot to photograph, including bollards, mariner and Eastern Beach surroundings. The weather was a little foggy to start with but eventually cleared to blue skies.

Ross Eddington - Cunningham Pier

Ray Stabey-To The Pier

We lunched at the Waterfront Kitchen and everyone appeared to enjoy the opportunity to talk about photography and anything else that came up. After lunch we visited the Wool Museum to see the photographic exhibition which included wildlife images from all over the world.

Each image had the metadata recorded which helped us to understand how the photograph was captured. As photographers we had an appreciation for the images and stayed longer than expected; getting home at about 5.30PM.

Overall it appeared everyone had a great day.

Tim Keane Clubbies

Gallery for this outing

Geelong Waterfront and Wildlife Photo Exhibition – Sunday 22nd April 2018

This month’s Outing is to the Geelong Waterfront and Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition on Sunday 22/04/18.

10AM: Meet at Geelong.
  Photograph general area of the Geelong Waterfront.
12:30PM: Lunch.
1:30PM: Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition.

Car pooling would be a good idea for this outing. If you would like a lift or provide transport for others, please mention it in your registration advice.

Please register at outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5PM Friday 20 April 2018.

Cranbourne Royal Botanic Gardens – Sunday 4th February 2018

Our second Outing for the year is to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Cranbourne on Sunday 4th February 2018.

This will be a morning shoot commencing at 9AM (to beat any heat of the day) and conclude with lunch at the Boon Wurrung Cafe on site.

Please register at outings@waverleycameraclub.org by 5PM on Friday 2nd February 2018.

It would be appreciated if you could advise if you will be lunching with us and your mobile phone number for the day. Lunch numbers are needed to book a table and phone numbers will enable any last minute changes.

Entry to the Gardens is FREE. The lunch menu is moderately priced.