President’s Trophy 2015

The President’s Trophy is a fun competition that we run each year. Each member can enter up to three EDI’s.This year the theme is “A song title or lyrics”. Entries are due by Sunday 15 November 2015. Please email your entries to . The winner will be announced at our End of Year Function on Tuesday 1 December 2015 (please note no AV’s this year).

Just a reminder also about our end of year competition. Members can enter their best images from throughout the year, with up to three images in each of:

  • Colour print
  • Monochrome print
  • Open EDI

Perpetual trophies are awarded to the winners in each category. The entries must have been entered into a monthly competition from this year and be in the same format and have no additional alterations. A print must have been previously entered as a print, and an EDI must have been previously entered as an EDI. An EDI cannot be printed and entered as a print, or vice versa. You do not need to resubmit the EDI image files, please only send through a list of the image names as entered previously. Entries are due by Tuesday 27 October 2015 which is our last competition night before the end of year function.

If you have any queries about the end of year competitions please email me or talk to any of the committee members.

Cityscapes and laneways – Sunday 5th July 2015

Join us in the city for our First Sunday of the Month outing on Sunday 5th July 2015.


Join and leave at any time you need.

10:30am Meet and shoot at the Shot Tower Melbourne Central
11:00am State Library of Victoria (inside, no tripods or flashes)
12:30pm Lunch Melbourne Central Food Court
1:30pm Wandering around the laneways and alleys of Melbourne: China Town, Block Arcade
2:30pm Hosier Lane
3:00pm Afternoon tea Federation Square
3:30pm Walk towards Webb Bridge (weather and stamina permitting):
Southbank footbridge, Southbank, Crown Casino (possibly shoot the flames)
5:00pm Webb Bridge for sunset (sunset 5:13pm)
6:00pm Head for home

Think about the upcoming competitions you could get inspiration for:

  • Open (monochrome) in August
  • Open in October
  • and for next year!

Cape Schanck Outing – Sunday 12 April 2015


Just a quick reminder that our April outing is on the second Sunday of the month.

We will meet at the Cape Schanck car park at 5.40am and head down to the beach at 6.00am sharp so that we are in place for first light.

Later in the morning we will head of to Hart’s Farm on Tucks Road, Shoreham for morning tea and some more photo opportunities on the farm which occupies 10 hectares with Manton’s Creek flowing through it.