Creative Special Interest Group – April 2018

Everyone is very welcome to join the Creative Photography Special interest Group tomorrow night 7.30 pm (for a 7.40 pm start).

The group will be reviewing some Photoshop techniques for changing colours and enhancing textures as well as some general Photoshop tips.

The group will also review the feedback from Lisa Saad’s judging of the first Creative Photography Competition. If you are interested in Creative photography this would be a great time to check the group out and get involved.

All levels from beginners to experienced are catered for.

Creative Special Interest Group kicks off for 2018

The Creative Special Interest Group starts next Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Craft Room at the Community Centre.

Everyone is welcome and no prior experience is necessary.

If you are interested in our initial model shoot (and why wouldn’t you be) please set aside 2 hours between 3pm and 5pm on Saturday 17 February 2018 which will also be in the craft room. There will be a small cost.

If you have any queries or required additional information please email Paul Spence at

There is no need to bring your camera gear or laptop to the the meeting on Tuesday.