This month during a less than favourable stretch of weather, 22 participants were courageous enough to attend the outing to Dog Rocks, Buckley Falls and the Fyansford Arched Bridge. Fortunately the stars aligned and we enjoyed perfect weather on the day; blue skies and sunshine to warm up in! It was lovely to have new members and guests joining us on the day!
Our first destination was the Lookout over Buckley Falls. Once again, luck was on our side as it had rained so plenty of water was cascading down the weir and over the rocks.
We then moved on to Dog Rocks. The Dog Rocks area was large enough to take our fill of photographs without getting in each other’s frames.

Photographs were then taken of the Fyansford Arched Bridge, built by John Monash and J. T. N. Anderson. This historic three-arch bridge was the largest Monier reinforced concrete bridge in the world in 1900.

We then headed to the Fyansford Hotel and enjoyed a very leisurely lunch together. Some of us went off to other destinations and many others headed off home.
More photos from participating members can be found in the outing gallery.
If you missed this outing, never fear! Our September outing will be announced shortly. I hope that you can join us. Keep your eyes open for emails and on the Outing tab for details of the September outing.