To keep us in line with the monthly competition themes, Ross has organised a ‘Night Photography’ outing for Saturday 1st July 2017 somewhere in the city. Please register with Ross at by 5pm the Thursday prior to the outing and full details will be sent to you.
Sunday 4th June is the clubs next monthly outing and this month combines a Arts Centre backstage tour with a Street Photography Tour of the city. Street Photography should be fresh in everyone’s mind after the recent talk by Wolf Marx. The backstage tour is limited to 15 people and the Street Photography (the interesting part) starts at 11am after the tour which is unlimited.
Welcome everyone to the WCC Website and more importantly the upcoming June Competition Night. The night commences at 7.30 for a 7.45 start in the Main Hall of Mt Waverley Community Centre. Alan Bennett is hosting the night and Bert Hoveling EFIAP FAPS SSAPS HonFAPS from Camberwell Camera Club will be the judge for the night. I encourage you all to attend, Bert Hoveling is a well renowned photographer and judge and you will enjoy the evening.
Please note: we had a guest get lost trying to find the workshop night so I’ve included a map and images of the location with instructions on which room we will be in, below. Members, please keep one eye out for people who may be looking for the club when you are in the vicinity of the Community Centre, even if they aren’t looking for our group it is always nice to help someone. See you all there and don’t forget to bring your July print entries with you as they are due on the night.
Entry to the Community Centre is from Miller Crescent, the Main Hall is the first room on the left as you go into the Lobby.
The Creative Special Interest Group meets this Tuesday, Upstairs at Wadham House. Kick off at 7.30. Sorry this is a members only group, if you’re interested in joining the club please come along to the first or third Tuesday meetings. See the calendar above for details.
This months outing sees the club visiting Melbourne Zoo, we will meet at 9am at the main entrance which is at the top of the zoo and not the bottom entrance. Dave Sumner will be on hand to help with anyone who is struggling with settings and what to shoot etc.
Things to bring are a tripod or at least a monopod and a long telephoto lens. Obviously you need to come along too as well as bringing your camera with a CHARGED battery.
Please remember to email Ross and tell him you are attending and I’ll see you all there. Remember, a visit to the zoo is always a great day out.
The next exciting Monthly Outing is coming on the 1st April but don’t be fooled, this is a corker. Williamstown Sunrise followed by entry to the Australian Railway Historical Society Museum which is kindly opening its doors specially for WCC. Get on to Ross today and let him know you’re going because this isn’t one you’ll want to miss.
What a corker this promises to be, ‘Posing People for Pictures’ with Yana Martens, to be held in the Craft Room at Mt Waverley Community Centre on Tuesday 21st March at 7.30pm.
The next item in the WCC agenda is the March Competition Night to be held in the Main Hall at the Mt Waverley Community Centre from 7.30pm. Please come along and see what the club does best, visitors are more than welcome. Members, please remember that April’s entries are due on this night. See you all there…..