Workshop on Pep Ventosa Style Photography

Last weekend the two part “Pep Ventosa Style Photography” workshop, run by club member Jenny Adams, showed us how to create painterly style images reminiscent of Spanish photographer Pep Ventosa.

Jenny Adams - Rotunda and Roses

During the first session, at Springvale Botanic Cemetery, we learned key points of identifying suitable subjects and taking up to 30 images from different but equidistant angles. Participants enjoyed taking images of trees, rotundas, memorials and other structures.

Geoff Shaw - R1006566 Geoff Shaw - R1006647 Geoff Shaw - R1006593 Geoff Shaw - R1006663

The second session was on zoom; Jenny walked us through techniques to blend the groups of images in Photoshop to create a painterly style images. We had time for some questions and discussion. It was inspiring to learn technique that allows the transformation of a series of simple images to one quite lovely and artistic one.

Jenny Adams - A Place to rerflect Stephen Jude - Greg meets Pep Jenny Adams - Guarding the Gravestones Jill Shaw - Twist camera6

A link to the presentation notes can be found under Workshops and presentations on our resources site.

Images from the outing and the results from various members are in our workshop gallery.