New Committee for 2022/2023

Last night we held our AGM, prior to the workshop with Albert Tay. The minutes of the AGM, together with the President’s and Treasurer’s Reports, will be available in due course, but I did want to take this opportunity to provide a quick update around changes in the Committee.

The following people were elected to the positions stated below:

  • Ian Coombs, President
  • Russell Lucas, Vice President
  • Tim Keane, Secretary
  • Stephen Hilton, Treasurer

And as general committee members:

  • Vicki Moritz
  • Stephen Edmonds
  • Geoff Shaw
  • Elaine Whitton
  • Jennifer Sui
  • Colleen Singleton
  • Rebecca Kashyap

As you can see, I have stepped down as President after 3 years, but took up the supporting role to Ian Coombs, our new President. I’ll take this opportunity to congratulate Ian and welcome him into the role, and thank him for being prepared to take it on.

I said a lot of ‘thank you’s last night in my President Report, and I will not repeat them here – suffice it to say, we are lucky to have a great team, with considerable depth and experience, supporting our cub, and it great to see that largely retained.

I did want to call out our two retiring committee members, Paul Spence and Jen Fawkes. Paul has steered our Creative group from inception to where it is today over several years. Anyone who has been involved in that group would have to be impressed not only with Paul’s knowledge, skill and craft, but also his passion for this subject. He has put Waverley ‘on the map’ as far as creative photography endeavours are concerned. Jen has been the instigator of several great programs and initiatives at our club, and currently runs ‘Street Beat’, the Portfolio Group and the the clubs involved in the PSA Competitions. Jen also organised our weekend away this year, although was unable to attend due to COVID. Jen has worked really hard for us bringing us new and interesting initiatives that challenge us in different ways. We look forward to her continuing to lead some of these groups, albeit off the committee – serving as a great example that you do not have to be on the committee to help the club drive things forward. On behalf of the members and committee, I’d like to thank Jen and Paul for their service and contribution.

I’d also like to thank all of you, our members, for giving me the privilege of leadership over the last three years. Thank you for your friendship, and most importantly, thank you for your support. I am now looking forward to working with Ian and the team as we move forward.

Kind regards, Russell.