July 2024 ‘Music’ results

Judge: Angela Connor

Set subject EDI

Lyndel Holt - A Violinists Journey jpg
Intermediate: Lyndel Holt – A Violinists Journey jpg

Jen Fawkes - The Band
Advanced: Jen Fawkes – The Band

Open EDI

Fiona Jones - The only car on the road
Intermediate: Fiona Jones – The only car on the road

Sim Chong - Huge Vases
Advanced: Sim Chong – Huge Vases

Open Print

Colleen Singleton - Through the window
Intermediate: Colleen Singleton – Through the window

Jen Fawkes - Free my dad
Advanced: Jen Fawkes – Free my dad

Set subject definition:

An image that depicts an association with music. There are no limitations on editing beyond what is in the by-laws.