February 2024 ‘Festivals, Fairs and Market Places’ results

Judge: Paul Robinson

Set subject EDI

Alan Scott - Floating Market Stall
Intermediate: Alan Scott – Floating Market Stall

Geoff Shaw - Exhillaration
Advanced: Geoff Shaw – Exhillaration

Open EDI

Vira Vujovich - CN Tower Toronto
Intermediate: Vira Vujovich – CN Tower Toronto

Helen Warnod - At the gallery
Advanced: Helen Warnod – At the gallery

Open Print

Kirsten Morton - Banksia
Intermediate: Kirsten Morton – Banksia

Geoff Shaw - Burley Griffin dawn
Advanced: Geoff Shaw – Burley Griffin dawn

Set subject definition:

Images of people or events engaged in festivals or fairs, or at the local marketplace.

Following the definition of PSA Photo Travel.