Welcome everyone to the WCC Website and more importantly the upcoming June Competition Night. The night commences at 7.30 for a 7.45 start in the Main Hall of Mt Waverley Community Centre. Alan Bennett is hosting the night and Bert Hoveling EFIAP FAPS SSAPS HonFAPS from Camberwell Camera Club will be the judge for the night. I encourage you all to attend, Bert Hoveling is a well renowned photographer and judge and you will enjoy the evening.
Please note: we had a guest get lost trying to find the workshop night so I’ve included a map and images of the location with instructions on which room we will be in, below. Members, please keep one eye out for people who may be looking for the club when you are in the vicinity of the Community Centre, even if they aren’t looking for our group it is always nice to help someone. See you all there and don’t forget to bring your July print entries with you as they are due on the night.
Entry to the Community Centre is from Miller Crescent, the Main Hall is the first room on the left as you go into the Lobby.
Please see pictures below.