Rosie and I joined 14 other WCC members and their guests on the final Sunday outing for the year to Werribee Open Range Zoo – Yes there were 16 of us including new members Paul Spence and John Ho, and several guests; husbands, wives and in-laws. It was a cold, almost wet, windy Club Outing – what more would we have expected!!!

Undaunted, and by the good offices of Mary McLean who organised us all into the 11.10am bus, we all sat together each with a window and we took pictures to our hearts content. Of course the first thing we did given the overcast conditions, was to re-set our ISO ratings – some to ‘auto’ others up to 400. Some of us even remembered Andrew Harrison mentioning the other night that an overcast sky can take the place of a soft-box and did nothing with ISO ratings.

After the interesting safari ride into a wet and dull African Savanna on which we were able to spot Hippo, Zebra, Giraffe, Rhinos we went for a walk into the jungle seeing many other animals such as Cheetah, Lions, monkeys, African Wild Dogs. Later we had some well deserved lunch and another walk to look at kangaroos and emus. It was long after 3.00pm when the afternoon ended and we headed home. And as we drove home, guess what? the sun came out to give us the feeling of quiet contentment, we had indeed spent a warm day on the African Weldt.

I hope you had a great day and learned some photography tips and techniques. We also hope that you can be with us next year when we have our first Sunday Outing for 2012 – Daybreak at Williamstown on the 5th of February. Pray for some sunshine and a great sunrise, see you at the End of Year Night.
Cheers Andy