Portfolio SIG in 2025

It’s time to get the Portfolio group back and running. I hope you are all both energised and inspired by the work created by our members last year, and that some of you will join in this year.

Just to set the scene:

  • A portfolio is a personal body of work that you collect and create into a way to share this work with others.
  • You can be a beginner or an advanced photographer, and we only ask that you do your best, based on the level of skill you have.
  • There are some basic rules that I will share when we next meet.

Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 18th March, from 7.30 in the main room at Mount Waverley Community Centre (where we have all of our usual meetings).

For those of you that created a portfolio in 2024, please bring this along to share and discuss. Think about what you learnt, what worked, what was difficult, and what you might have done differently. We will also spend a little time discussing ideas you might have for 2025.

Everyone is welcome to join in.

Scenic Fireworks workshop and outing

Daryl Lynch (one of our members) recently ran an interesting and informative zoom workshop, teaching us about different styles of fireworks photography; the details of preparation and things which need to be considered as well as settings to use.

Stef Wendler-Canning - Moomba from Swan Bridge

He followed this with a hands-on session observing and photographing the Moomba fireworks from a vantage point he had decided upon based on launch sites, wind and crowds. It was a great learning experience and time with other members. We captured some amazing images on that night and also on the following nights.

John Morter - Olympus ND Filter 6 secs Fiona Jones - Moomba Fireworks Night 2b Jenny Adams - Golden Burst Stef Wendler-Canning - Firework close up

More images from our members can be found in our outing gallery.

March 2025 ‘Self portrait (monochrome)’ results

Judge: Andrea Esposito

Set subject EDI

Fiona Jones - Are you effing serious
Intermediate: Fiona Jones – Are you effing serious

Marie Shaw - Me myself and I
Advanced: Marie Shaw – Me myself and I

Open EDI

Fiona Jones - Melbourne Noir
Intermediate: Fiona Jones – Melbourne Noir

Advanced: Dianne Doughty – AND THEN THERE WERE TWO

Open Print

Colleen Singleton - Fern Forest
Intermediate: Colleen Singleton – Fern Forest

Jim O'Donnell - Ghosts
Advanced: Jim O’Donnell – Ghosts

Set subject definition:

A portrait of the photographer in which they have posed themselves within the picture. The shutter release must be under their control i.e. remote, electric etc. (APJA) Creative processing is allowable.

Dahlia Photography Exhibition at the Track Gallery

Last weekend saw the successful and vibrantly colourful State Dahlia Show at the Mount Waverley Community Centre. Four of our members put together 24 beautiful photographs at very short notice, which were exhibited in the Trak Gallery. They really looked wonderful and along with Dahlia arrangements, 2 artists demonstrating drawing and painting and a fascinating stamp collection the gallery looked stunning.

Workshop on Pep Ventosa Style Photography

Last weekend the two part “Pep Ventosa Style Photography” workshop, run by club member Jenny Adams, showed us how to create painterly style images reminiscent of Spanish photographer Pep Ventosa.

Jenny Adams - Rotunda and Roses

During the first session, at Springvale Botanic Cemetery, we learned key points of identifying suitable subjects and taking up to 30 images from different but equidistant angles. Participants enjoyed taking images of trees, rotundas, memorials and other structures.

Geoff Shaw - R1006566 Geoff Shaw - R1006647 Geoff Shaw - R1006593 Geoff Shaw - R1006663

The second session was on zoom; Jenny walked us through techniques to blend the groups of images in Photoshop to create a painterly style images. We had time for some questions and discussion. It was inspiring to learn technique that allows the transformation of a series of simple images to one quite lovely and artistic one.

Jenny Adams - A Place to rerflect Stephen Jude - Greg meets Pep Jenny Adams - Guarding the Gravestones Jill Shaw - Twist camera6

A link to the presentation notes can be found under Workshops and presentations on our resources site.

Images from the outing and the results from various members are in our workshop gallery.

Birding group outings for 2025

We have drafted the following outings for the Birding SIG in 2025:

Date Location
Friday 7 March 2025 Healesville Sanctuary
Saturday 5 April 2025 Stringybark Creek Nature Walk
Friday 27 June 27 2025 Nangak Tamboree Wildlife Sanctuary
Friday 22 to Sunday 24 August 2025 Bendigo weekend away
Saturday 13 September 2025 Western Treatment Plant
Friday 10 October 2025 Wicks Reserve
Friday 14 November 2025 Cranbourne Botanic Gardens
  • Most of the outings are within half an hour to one hour drive of Melbourne.
  • September outing to Western Treatment Plant needs members who have the key.
  • Weekend away will be a trial as Bendigo has a lot of hot birding spots, car-pool is encouraged.
  • A couple of Zoom meeting will be needed to make sure the smooth running of these outings.
  • This is only a draft, just for planning purposes. It can be changed with advanced notice and it also depends on the weather.
  • Please make sure to check your email and the weekly Watson for the updated information, including changes.
  • Everyone is welcome to come along, but reply email or text messages are much appreciated for each outing.

Our first outing is to Healesville Sancturary in less than 2 weeks, details will be sent out next weekend.

Dahlia Society collaboration 2025

We were recently approached by the Dahlia Society of Victoria to collaborate with them for their annual Show; in particular to provide and display some photographic prints showcasing Dahlias on the walls of the Track Gallery during their Annual Show.

There was not enough time to involve all of our members, however Leanne Poole and a few other members already have some Dahlia images which will be on display this weekend on behalf of the club.

2025 State Dahlia Show
Mount Waverley Community Centre
47 Miller Crescent, Mount Waverley
Saturday 22 February 1pm to 5pm
Sunday 23 February 10am to 3:30pm

If all goes well and we are invited to participate in next year’s show we will ensure all members are able to participate, including potential activities such as an outing to a Dahlia grower or a workshop taking photos of Dahlias in a studio.

National Steam Centre – Sunday 23th February 2025

Our outing on Sunday 23th February 2025 will be to the MSTEC National Steam Centre

We will meet at 11am at the National Steam Centre, 1200 Ferntree Gully Road, Scoresby 3179.

This outdoor museum offers access to many sheds that contain machines driven by steam. One popular exhibit is the small model steam train that runs on a track around the property. You can hop on for a ride!

In addition to the sheds, you can wander the paddocks that are packed with old and rusty relics of farm and construction equipment.

February 2025 ‘Suburbia’ results

Judge: Mario Mirabile

Set subject EDI

Jenny Adams - Letterbox Diversity
Intermediate: Jenny Adams – Letterbox Diversity

Bob Thomas - Snapshots of Home
Advanced: Bob Thomas – Snapshots of Home

Open EDI

Phillip Harris - You are in my Space
Intermediate: Phillip Harris – You are in my Space

Angela McLeod - Lines
Advanced: Angela McLeod – Lines

Open Print

Jenny Adams - Abundant Summer
Intermediate: Jenny Adams – Abundant Summer

Stephen Jude - The Tree
Advanced: Stephen Jude – The Tree

Set subject definition:

Your perspective on living in the suburbs. The image can be documentary or interpretive, there are no editing restrictions.

Macro and Close-Up Workshop outcomes

Recently Geoff Shaw (one of our members) presented a workshop and ran a hands on session about macro and close-up photography.

Fred Bullock - Typewriter Ball Kirsten Morton - Back and Front Lit Dragonfly Jill Shaw - J Shaw oil 1 Kirsten Morton - Focus Stacking Foliage

Geoff set up multiple workstations with various lighting scenarios. It was a fabulous opportunity to get help with camera and flash settings including focus stacking, to discuss the pros and cons of gear. Geoff’s enthusiasm for the genre of macro photography is contagious and we am sure that many of us will be inspired to further experiment. There was lots of discussion between members with more experienced members helping others.

Jenny Hartman - BTS 1 Jenny Hartman - BTS 2

More photos from our members can be found in our Macro skills session gallery.